♬ 19 - Adam Up

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Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo are in the lab. They are completing a training on a virtual training platform.

The simulation ends and they remove the glasses "Great job, guys. You just took out an entire unit of virtual cyborgs" Leo says, Eddy appears "I think it's sad that you have to invent people to play with you." Eddy says, Chase rolls his eyes.

"All right Leo, I'm off the clock. Let's get outta here." Adam says "Whoa whoa whoa! Just 'cause Mr. Davenport's away doesn't mean we stop training." Chase says, Leo and Adam groan.

"How do you think I feel? I'm missing a four-hour documentary on the history of the Printing Press." Chase says "But Leo and I were gonna play human bull's-eye bounce... don't worry, it's way more dangerous than it sounds." Adam says.

Chase frowns "Human bull's-eye bounce. Is there any way you can get a good enough bounce to land in the emergency room? 'Cause that would save us a lot of time." Chase says "Nope. He's right, Adam. As much as I enjoy watching you get hurt and..." Bree chuckles "I really...we have to train." Bree says.

"Oh, come on! The adults are away! If we don't take advantage by doing something destructive, we're no better than... Chase." Leo says, Chase glares at him.

"I'm sorry, but unless he can be in two places at once, he's training. Come on, let's get the bo staffs." Chase says "Oh man, I never get to do what I want. It's not fair." Adam complain.

"Aww. Are all of your cool bionic abilities and top secret missions getting you down?" Bree pretends pity "Thanks Bree. I knew you'd understand." Adam smiles, Bree and Chase leave.

"Sorry, buddy." Adam tells Leo "Too bad you can't be in two places at once." Leo says "Well, now he can! 'Cause it's time to play "Eddy's Will It Or Will It Not Blow Up In Your Face"" Eddy says.

Leo and Adam smile, Eddy shows the items on the screen "A riding mower, a set of barbecue utensils, or a cellular duplicator." Eddy says "Ooh, I really want to ride something on grass! But I do love the grill." Adam says.

Adam and Leo whisper a decision "Eddy, we're gonna go with the cellular duplicator!" Leo says.

Eddy makes a beeping sound "Good choice! This lovely state-of-the-art device scans human DNA and creates a lifelike double using synthetic bioplasma!" Eddy says.

"Too complicated. Go for the riding mower." Adam says "No. This is how we can make two of you. It makes a non-human twin out of a human." Leo says.

"That's right. But be careful, it's not fully tested so there's a small chance it could go horribly wrong.Eddy says enthusiastically "Then, why are you telling us to use it?" Leo asks "There's a small chance it could go horribly wrong." Eddy says again with enthusiasticaly.

"I'll give it a shot. Where is it?" Adam asks "I'll give you a hint." Eddy says he makes another beeping sound, and a light turns on on a table with the duplicator.

"How does it work?" Leo says "It just needs a sample of your DNA." Eddy says "Ooh, I got this." Adam spits in the duplicator which swings into action, Leo makes a disgusted face.

"You know, you could've just put a hair in there, right?" Leo says "Ew, that'd be gross." Adam says, the duplicator drops synthetic bioplasma, Leo and Adam look at It on the floor.

"Aww, look. It has my eyes." Adam says, a Duplicate Adam is formed from the bioplasma "Whoa!" Adam says "Awesome." Adam raises his hand, and so does Duplicate Adam.

They raise their other hands, turn around and shake their butts, Leo looks at them frustrated "This may have been a big mistake." Leo says.

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