♬ 51 - First Day of Bionic Academy

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At the Bionica Island, in the common area.

Donald walks up to the hydraloop "Welcome to the Davenport Bionic Academy." Donald says. Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo walk out of the hydraloop.

"Whoa, cool!" Bree says "Ooh, a window!" Adam says "Wow, the hydraloop is amazing! We just went from the mainland to the middle of the ocean in less than 30 seconds!" Chase says impressed.

"Yep, and my lunch just went from my stomach to the floor in less than three." Leo says still at the hydraloop door holding his stomach.

"So, what do you think?" Donald asks "Beautiful view, tons of space. I'm assuming we'll be living in the basement again?" Bree says "No. Here, we call it "below sea level."" Donald says.

"I can't believe we're going to live here now. Now that's a respectful place different from a lab in the basement" Chase thinks looking around.

"By the way, the hydraloop will take you anywhere you want to go on the island at any time. This is one of the main classroom areas and here" Donald explains, they walk through a door "Is the training area where we'll develop the kid's skills and teach them to become bionic heroes." Donald says.

"If you couldn't teach Chase how to be one, what chance do they have?" Adam holds Chase's shoulder "Guys, this is serious. You have important roles as mentors." Donald says.

"Don't worry, Big D. We got this. Now, what exactly will I be teaching?" Leo asks "Nothing. You're a student." Donald says "A what? But you gave me a mission suit. You said I was part of the team!" Leo says indignantly.

"Mm, yeah, he says a lot of things. By the way, still waiting on that sweet sixteen party." Bree says annoyed and she and Chase walk away.

"Leo, you are a part of the team, but you've only had your bionic arm for six months. You still have a lot more to learn." Donald explains "Well, that's the last time I save your life." Leo crosses his arms.

"Come on, Big D, I am ready! Adam, tell him." Leo turns to Adam "Leo, were you not listening? I'm a teacher now. It's Mr. Adam for you." Adam says, Leo galres at him indignantly.

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On the first day of the academy, Mason, Brooke and McKayla exit the hydraloop with suitcases.

Mason walks out first and drops his bags on the floor taking a deep breath "That's it, family! Here's our new home" Mason says, Brooke smiles and Mason hugs her.

"This is weird, I never thought we would leave that house" McKayla thinks, she sighs "But the feeling of a new life is good" she smiles.

"See? Beautiful view. New job. Better pay and no more rent!" Mason says excitedly, hugging McKayla too.

"Rent. That's Trent's problem now" McKayla says, Brooke shake her head "Knowing him, he won't have electricity or water for the next few weeks because he'll forget to pay the bills" Brooke sighs, putting her hand on her forehead in concern.

"Relax Book, our boy is a grown man he knows how to handle himself" Mason says "And also Blair has been doing a great job taking care of him lately" McKayla smiles proudly thinking about her brother.

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