♬ 3 - Night of the Living Virus

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In the living room of the house, Chase and Adam are playing video games.

"Hey, I thought I told you guys to get lost. The coolest girls in school are coming for a sleepover, and I don't want this place smelling like feet and pickles" Bree says, Adam smells himself "No, not me. I'm armpits and onions" Adam says.

"Hey, why does she get to have a party?" Chase complains to Tasha "Because she needs to socialize more with girls so she'll stop challenging random strangers to loogie contests" Tasha says.

"Aw, but she's the champ!" Adam smiles "She has had some epic hang times" Chase chuckles "You gotta work up a green one. They're, uh, meatier" Bree says "That's my little princess" Donald says sarcastically and leaves.

"So, I have watched every slumber party movie ever made. We're gonna have a pillow fight, we're gonna put cucumbers on our eyes, and then we're gonna shave Francesca's legs...Her knees have eyebrows" Bree says to Tasha, she frowns.

"I know her. Every time she sits, she looks surprised" Chase says, Bree and Tasha leaves.

"I can't believe she doesn't want us at her party. I so wanted to shave my initials into Francesca's leg hair!" Adam says.

"We'll be at that party... 'Cause you and I are gonna do what all the boys in every single one of Bree's stupid slumber party movies do-prank the girls! We are totally gonna sabotage that party! Whoo!" Chase says "Yeah, I don't really know what sabotage is, but if it means I'm getting wet, dirty, or stuck to something, I'm in" Adam says.

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Later, Bree is in the room with Tasha when the doorbell rings.

"Oh, my gosh! They're here! I hate my outfit!" Bree super speeds upstairs and returns with a new outfit "Worse!" Bree super speeds upstairs and returns with a new outfit "Better" Bree smiles.

"Yeah, I'm never gonna get used to that" Tasha saysz Bree opens the door and Stephanie shoves her sleeping bag in Bree's arms and walks in.

"Hi, I'm so...""Sick house. Totally huge, insane views, and it looks down at all the renters. Okay, girls, you can come in" Stephanie interrupts Bree.

The rest of the girls including McKayla walk in "Hi! Thanks for coming!"

"Hey Mack!" Bree says "Hey!" McKayla hugs Bree.

"We were gonna go to Caitlin's, but her house is a dump compared to this" Stephanie says, McKayla rolls her eyes, unfortunately for her to be able to dance and be part of the cheer team she needed to put up with Stephanie.

"I'm getting a pool" Caitlin says "In ground or above?" Stephanie ask "Above" Caitlin smiles "Oh, nice, an outdoor bathtub. We might as well just go to the city pool" Stephanie says.

Caitlin lowers her head "Don't care about her!" McKayla whispers.

"Pillow fight!" Bree hits Stephanie with a pillow, "Did you just hit me with that pillow?!" Stephanie says "oh thanks for that!" McKayla chuckles.

"Yeah, and you just totally ate that couch!" Bree saus "Okay, if you're gonna get all weird, we need to pull the drapes" Stephanie says "Well, if we're not gonna have a pillow fight, what are we gonna do?" Bree says.

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