♬ 72 - Human Eddy

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In the cafe in front of the training area.

Everyone is eating breakfast, McKayla is sitting in a chair and Chase has his arm behind her, Luke and Bree are talking on the other side of the table.

Perry walks in "What's up, meat bots?" Perry says, she sits at a table with a magazine and puts her feet up.

Donald walks in "Excuse me." He tells Perry who jumps and throws magazine "What do you think you're doing? This is the fourth time this week I've caught you blowing off your security rounds." Donald says.

"What do you expect? This job is too hard for one person. How am I supposed to patrol the grounds, monitor cyber security, and still find time to steal from you?" Perry says.

"Look, you asked me for this job, and you were lucky that I promoted Mason to be my personal bodyguard and left you with his old position. But if you can't handle it, maybe I should find somebody else." Donald says.

"Good luck trying to find someone else who wants a high-paying job on a tropical island." Perry says "I'm not doing anything" Luke shrugs and raises his hand.

A screen in the background starts going fuzzy "Hey, what's going on with the monitor?" Chase asks "Somebody probably hacked our signal because the sheriff wasn't doing her job." Donald says.

They all walk over to the screen and Eddy pops up.

"Hi!" Eddy says "Aaahh!" Adam, Bree, Chase, McKayla and Leo screams, Luke frowns "What is that?" Luke asks "Eddy. Is Davenport's sarcastic smart home system" McKayla says.

"Woah that's pretty cool" Luke says "No it's not" everyone says "I've been trying to get in here for months. I had to go through all sorts of firewalls and security blocks. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you didn't want me here." Eddy says "We don't want you here!" Leo says.

"Well, look who finally got a big-boy voice. Still waiting for the rest of your little-boy body to catch up, huh?" Eddy says.

"Eddy what code in your programming is equivalent to a kick in the gut" McKayla says "Don't talk like that to someone who covered up all her secret meetings with Chase at the lab" Eddy singy songy.

Chase and McKayla look at each other shyly "Probably the coolest thing he ever did" McKayla says "It was the only cool thing he ever did" Chase says.

"Eddy, you're supposed to be in Mission Creek with Tasha." Donald says.

"Don't worry, she's fine. I triple-locked her in the closet. Even her man-paws can't claw through that. Speaking of man-paws, how are you, Bree?" Eddy says "Hey don't talk to her like that!" Luke says "Who's the girl?" Eddy says, Luke gasps "That's it. Where's the hammer?!" Bree says and Luke holds her.

"I don't know about the hammer, but I'm definitely looking at a room full of tools." Eddy says, Perry and Eddy start cackling.

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In the Mentor's Quarters.

"Hey, great news, everybody." Chase walks up to Adam, Bree and Leo.

"You scored a goal in your junior soccer league?" Adam says "You finally fit into men's pants?" Bree says "You're going bald?" Leo smiles.

"Why would that be good news?" Chase asks Leo "You already act like a boring old man. Might as well look the part." Leo says, Chase raise his eyebrows.

"The President wants me to be on his environmental task force committee. It's a think tank of the world's smartest minds brought together to address major ecological issues." Chase says "Sounds like something a boring old man would say." Leo smiles.

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