♬ 50 - Bionic Houseparty

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At McKayla's house.

In the afternoon McKayla was alone at home, and decided to put on her headphones and go down to the garage of the house where she used to practice dance steps.

And so she does, with headphones playing one of her favorite songs of the moment, she practices her usual steps.

In the garage too and where Trent and Mason set up their gym, then some gym and training equipment nearby, in the middle of dancing a punching bag catches McKayla's attention.

McKayla approaches the punching bag and rests her hand on it thoughtfully, remembering the previous day's events in the fight with Krane's soldiers.

McKayla takes a deep breath, she takes her father's boxing gloves and then starts punching and kicking the punching bag simulating a fight, bending down, getting up, turning around and punching again.

Seh creates her own pattern to train these movements repeatedly but accelerating the pace, She still listens to music on her headphones to keep giving her motivation.

She starts to feel breathless and hot and takes off her jacket, leaving only her gym top on. She puts her arm across her forehead starting to sweat "Uhg!" she complains, she doesn't like to sweat but she accepted that she needs to get used to it.

"You're doing well" McKayla tells herself, she starts adding steps to the workout like rolling on the floor and kicking in the air, quickly getting up and punching. She continues this training during the afternoon, completely focused and determined.

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In the lab.

Chase was and Bree was sitting at the cyber desk taking selfies when Leo walks in

"Good news, guys! My mom called from the hospital and said Big D's doing much better. He's gonna make it." Leo says relieved "Awesome!' Bree smiles "Great." Chase says.

"Yep. Soon he'll be back here making us all wish he was still unconscious." Leo smiles "Hey, I really miss him. Although it has been nice having the hairspray all to myself." Bree says.

"Oh, actually, Adam's been using it, too. He's developing new hairstyles for his armpits." Chase says frustrated, Leo and Bree frown "You wouldn't think it, but the ponytails are surprisingly cute." Chase says.

"You know, we should have traded Adam for one of Krane's bionic soldiers when we had the chance." Bree says, Chase's eyes widen slightly "Oh, no. The soldiers! I was so worried about Mr. Davenport, I completely forgot about them." Chase says.

"Relax. I'm sure they're fine. Now that the Triton App is deactivated, they're just normal teenagers... Normal teenagers roaming the streets with deadly bionic abilities. We need to find them!" Leo says worried.

Bree, Chase, and Leo start to walk out when Adam walks in.

"Find who?" Adam asks "Krane's soldiers." Bree says "Oh, I think I can help with that." Adam smiles.

Adam takes them to the living room with several of the soldiers congregating.

"They're right here." Adam says "You invited 30 bionic soldiers into our home?" Chase says indignantly "No, I invited one. The other 29 were hiding in the bushes and followed us home." Adam explains and they just stare at the living room full of bionic soldiers.

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In the living room.

♬ *ೃ Bionic Rhythm ♬ *ೃ - Chase Davenport x Oc Where stories live. Discover now