♬ 59 - Mission Mania

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In a burning forest.

Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo are among the people they just saved from a fire.

"All right, that's the last few. Everybody's safe, including one very ungrateful grizzly." Bree says, a bear growls "Oh, shut it!" Bree shouts.

"The Fire Department can handle things from here. Great work, guys." Chase says, the crowd cheers, They approach asking for photos and autographs.

Adam is signing autographs "Ah, life is so much better now we don't have to keep our missions a secret." Adam says "I know. Now people can tell us how great we are right to our faces." Leo smiles.

The crowd starts chanting "Adam, Bree, and Chase! Adam, Bree, and Chase!"

"Are you kidding me? I've been going on missions for over a month. How can these people not know my name?" Leo says"Maybe you should change it to something people won't forget, like, uh, Gregorio Spiridakis, or Pickles O'Malley." Adam says.

"Can I have your attention, please? I'd like to point out that Adam, Bree, and Chase weren't the only heroes. I personally saved six people." Leo tells the crowd and they start chanting "Adam, Bree, Chase, and that guy! Adam, Bree, Chase, and that guy!"

"All right, the six I saved, back in the fire." Leo says angryly.

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In Brooke and Mason's quarters.

Brooke was in the kitchen, Donald left them with the room which was similar to a small apartment with a small living room and kitchen, so that their living would be more cozy.

Chase went to Brooke and Mason because he wanted to talk about something with them, Brooke serves tea to Chase who is sitting at the table with Mason staring at him.

"Here's Chase" Brooke says gently "Thank you" Chase smiles and Brooke sits next to Mason.

"So what do you want to talk about boy?" Mason asks "Well, um...I actually wanted to ask for your permission and support regarding something..." Chase says taking a deep breath and slightly nervous.

Brooke and Mason look at each other confused "Of course, you can ask us for anything, honey" Brooke says gently "Eh.." Mason shrugs rolling his eyes.

Chase sighs "Okay, I wanted your consent to... ask McKayla to be my girlfriend" Chase says, he closes his eyes expecting the worst "Aw Really? Do you want to date Mack?" Brooke smiles, Mason frowns.

"Y-yeah I want this more than anything in the world" Chase says blushing, Brooke smiles and looks at Mason "Aw isn't that cute Mase?" Brooke holds his arm.

Mason takes a deep breath "You want to date my daughter huh. Why?" Mason says, Brooke rolls her eyes "Excuse me?" Chase says "Why do you want to date her, I want to know what your intentions are with my daughter. Do you want to talk? Here we are!" Mason says.

"The question should be, do I really want to have this guy as my father-in-law?" Chase thinks "So?" Mason asks, Chase takes a deep breath "Well I was going to have to say that out loud sooner or later" Chase thinks.

"I'm in love with her" Chase says, Brooke gasps with a smile "Aah! Oh my god!!" Brooke squeals, Mason frowns "Book calm down" Mason says "No, you clam down!!" Brooke says excitedly, Chase makes a surprised face.

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