♬ 35 - Taken

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In the lab.

Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo are inspecting a motorcycle when Donald walks in wearing a motorcycle outfit.

"So, what do you think?" Donald asks "I think you're begging for a gang of bikers to do rotten things to you." Chase says whit a smirk.

"Are those my pants?" Bree asks "Not anymore. I call her the "Daven-cycle". She's got auto-pilot, laser-guided weapon systems, and a tiny little flower vase" Donald takes out a flower and puts it on the motorcycle "to brighten your day." Donald smiles.

"Whoa, cool. Throw in a tiny basket for Chase to ride in and we're good to go." Adam says, Chase frowns at him.

Douglas appears on one of the screens "Hello? Anybody home?" Douglas laughs.

"He hacked you again? Would it kill you to spend forty bucks on some security software?" Leo tells Donald.

"Love the new lab, Donny. Ooh, tunnels!" Douglas chuckles "Industrial, yet classy." Douglas says.

"Take a hint, ex-brother. There's a reason why none of us accepted your buddy requests." Donald says "Oh, I accepted it." Adam smiles, everyone looks at him indignantly "What? His updates are hilarious. "Looking forward to a weekend of evil, winky-face."" Adam winks.

"Listen, I don't have a lot of time. Krane'll be back soon. He... went out to get his head waxed." Douglas says "Fascinating. You know what? It might sound like I'm hanging up." Donald says.

"Wait! Wait, wait, wait! This isn't another trick! You're in danger. Krane has completely lost it!" Douglas says "Oh, wow! So, the guy who keeps implanting himself with bionics is unstable? Who could have seen that coming?" Chase says sarcastically.

"I'm serious! Krane is using my technology to give himself new abilities I didn't even know were possible! He's a ticking time-bomb, and he sees you three as a threat!" Douglas explains.

"Hey! What about me?! I'm dangerous." Leo does a fighting stance "Yeah, there's always a chance you might faint on somebody." Douglas says, Leo looks at him annoyed.

"Look, Adam, Bree, Chase... and Leo, can handle anything. And after all you've done to this family, why should we trust you?" Donald asks "Well, I... give me a minute." Douglas thinks "Take all the time you want." Donald says "Oh, thanks. I..." Douglas is interrupted when Donald shuts off the screen.

"Douglas is up to something. He's obviously trying to distract us with this Krane guy." Donald walks to the other side of the Lab "Well, maybe so, but what if he's telling the truth?" Chase tells him.

"Yeah. We've seen Krane face-to-face. He is a total creep." Bree says "Yeah. Nice eyes, though." Adam shrugs.

"Trust me, this is exactly what Douglas wants. Don't fall for his trap. My brother is the real threat." Donald says, but little do they know that while they talked, Krane is in his lair implanting himself with many more bionic abilities.

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In the lab.

"Good news." Donald walks in "We're kicking Chase off the team?" Adam he asks excitedly, Chase frowns in confusion.

"No. Until I figure out what's going on with Douglas, nobody's going to school." Donald says "Yeah!" Adam celebrates.

"Aw, no way! I'm gonna miss my chemistry test!" Chase complains, Bree giggles "Nerdiest sentence... ever." Bree says.

"Well, Leo already left." Adam says "I sent Tasha to pick him up. In the meantime, we have a new state-of-the-art security fence. Capable of withstanding any threat, even bionic ones." Donald says.

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