♬ 40 - Alien Gladiator

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In the lab.

Leo walks in "Guys, Alien Gladiators are coming to Mission Creek." Leo says excitedly.

Adam gasps "I knew this day would come. Thankfully, I'm prepared for an alien invasion." Adam puts on tinfoil hat "Chase, you hold them off while the rest of us who deserve to live escape." Adam says and pulls Bree with him.

"No, no. Not real aliens. My favorite sci-fi movie franchise: Alien Gladiators. They host annual fan conventions, and this year, it's in Mission Creek." Leo says, Chase walks up to him "Oh, I love Alien Gladiators." Chase says excitedly.

"In the future, rival alien worlds, the Morfs and the Zarkanians will battle over control of the galaxy!" Chase says in a deep narration voice.

"Oh. I remember that movie. It was terrible. The whole thing was blurry." Adam says "You didn't wear your 3D glasses." Bree says "Well I didn't wanna look stupid." Adam says adjusting the tinfoil hat on his head.

Chase smiles excitedly "It was the first movie I watched with McKayla, one of the reasons I love this movie" he remembers.

"I bet the entire cast will be there. I have everybody's autograph. Except for the new guy playing Prince Landor in the sequel: Andre Ethier." Chase says "Whoa, whoa, wait. As in baseball superstar Andre Ethier?" Bree asks interested.

"Since when do you care about baseball?" Chase asks, Bree scoffs "I love baseball. You know, with the bases and...the ball." Bree says,Chase crosses his arms "Okay, whatever. Andre Ethier's cute, and if he's there, I'm there." Bree says.

"The convention is going to be awesome. They're bringing back the fire staff challenge." Leo says "What's a fire staff?" Adam asks.

"This..." Leo grabs fire staff from the console "is a fire staff." Leo spins a kind of plastic spear and puts it on the ground, which makes it light up "Looks like a stick with lights." Adam says "It's a fire staff!" Leo says.

"Competitors battle each other with their own fire staffs, and the winner gets a walk on role in the next movie. And that winner is going to be me." Leo turns the fire staff and accidentally hits himself in the head with it.

Donald walks in with a fire staff and robe "Greetings, good Morfs." Donald says.

"What are you doing?" Leo asks "Getting ready for the Alien Gladiators convention. I am Elder Lumina. And Elder Lumina will be victorious in the fire staff challenge." Donald says.

"Look, Elder-ly Lumina, I hate to get your robe in a bunch, but that role is mine.' Leo says, Donald laughs "That's cute. But I've loved these movies my entire life, and winning that role will fill my biggest childhood dream, so..." Donald says "I think childhood dreams expire once you hit 40." Leo says.

"Oh, all right, out of the way, micro Morf." Donald starts spinning fire staff with great skill and precision "Still think I'm too old to compete?" Donad asks

"I don't know what was more amazing, your moves or the fact that your dentures didn't fall out." Leo mocks, Donald chases Leo out of the lab

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In main school hallway.

Leo is spinning fire staff while Bree, Chase and McKayla watch.

Chase and McKayla are sitting on the circular bench in the middle of the hallway, Chase sits on the highest part of the bench while McKayla sits on the lowest bench practically in the middle of Chase's legs, but without leaning on the back of the bench he is sitting on.

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