♬ 24 - Trent Gets Schooled

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At McKayla's house.

McKayla and Trent are in the living room, McKayla is cutting Trent's hair, he watches TV while she cuts his hair.

"Be careful!" Trent says "Man if you shut up I'll be a lot more careful" McKayla says irritated.

"Is it over yet?" Trent says "Hurry is the enemy of perfection, brother" McKayla says calmly.

Trent rolls his eyes, McKayla smiles "Oh my God what is that?!" McKayla pretends to be scared "What?" Trent's eyes widen "Is that...blood? Oh my god, I cut your ear off!!!" McKayla dramatizes, Trent screams "Ahh!! what?!" Trent puts his hand to his ear and when he feels it, he looks at McKayla who looks at him with a small smile.

McKayla laughs "I'm just kidding, I'm done" McKayla says sweetly "It's not funny" Trent says "Yes it is" McKayla says, Mason enters the house after working in the garden and passes them into the living room.

"I'm going to sleep" Mason says looking tired and stressed "Alright, but it's still early" Trent says "I'm tired, son" Manson says "But I was going to make dinner today, and..." McKayla says excitedly, taking some papers and taking them to him.

"I did you a favor and researched security job openings, and on top of that I organized them according to salary from highest to lowest, see?" McKayla shows him the notes with a gentle smile on her face.

Mason tilts his head, moved by his daughter's effort "Thank you, sweetie. This...will help a lot" Mason says hugging McKayla "We can have dinner and see which of these jobs is best for you" Trent suggests.

Mason sighs "Seriously, I've been working in the garden all day, I'm tired" Mason says putting his hand on Trent's shoulder.

"It's okay, we understand. Go rest dad" McKayla says giving her father a kiss on the cheek and going to the kitchen, Trent passes him, patting him on the back and goes with McKayla, Mason sighs and goes to his room.

In the kitchen, McKayla looks for a pan and Trent sighs sitting at the table "Man, I feel terrible seeing him like this" Trent says playing with the string of his sweatshirt, McKayla sighs and takes a pan.

"Me too, losing his job has affected him, he's very stressed" McKayla says, Trent leans on the table "Do you think we're going to be poor?" Trent says, McKayla glares at him "Of course not Trent!" McKayla says.

"I'm just saying, you know that just our mom's job isn't enough to pay for school, your dance classes, my football practice, the house and the bills" Trent says, McKayla thinks for a few seconds "That's a fact" McKayla says

"I think the solution is obvious...you're going to have to stop taking dance classes" Trent says "What?!" McKayla says indignantly putting her hand on her hips "Cost cutting sis!" Trent says it like it's obvious.

McKayla rolls her eyes "What about your football pratice?" McKayla says "I'm not quitting football!" Trent says "and I'm not quitting dance!" McKayla says, Trent groans and stands up.

McKayla puts water in the pan "I wanted to do something to help" Trent says "You can make the sauce" McKayla says taking the pan to the stove "Not you, dad!" Trent says.

"Oh..." McKayla says "You know it would be nice to show him for once that I'm really trying..." Trent sighs "I know he thinks I'm an idiot" Trent says, McKayla shakes her head "No, he dosen't" McKayla says.

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