♬ 42 - You Posted What? (Part 2)

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At the school.

McKayla slowly starts to wake up feeling a little dizzy due to the head bang she gave against the door handle, she can feel the bruise on her forehead.

"Ahg! What happened?" McKayla puts her hand on her forehead "M...C!" Leo says whimpering in pain, McKayla sees him with his arm pinned under the beam and quickly remembers what happened.

"Oh my God, Leo!" McKayla goes to him "Are you okay?" Leo says, trying to bear the pain "if I...Leo! You saved me" McKayla smiles holding his hand, he makes an effort to smile "Of course I saved you" Leo says.

McKayla looks up at the beam and she knows there's nothing she can do on her own besides giving him comfort "Thank you, you're my hero" McKayla says gently and leans over giving him a light kiss on the forehead.

Leo smiles at her "Ahg!" He agonizes, McKayla notices Douglas and Perry waking up on the other side of the beam "Hey help!" McKayla says "Help!" Leo says "Dooley!" Perry says as she and Douglas walk over to him.

"My arm's pinned underneath the beam." Leo says, Douglas attempts to lift beam, but fails "Are you okay?" McKayla asks "I think I broke a rib" Douglas says in pain.

"I got this, Dougie. I once lifted a car off a guy's leg. It was the least I could do since I ran him over" Perry also attempts to lift beam, is more successful than Douglas but still fails.

"Oh! Oh, tough to get a grip. My hands keep slipping on what I hope is red paint." Perry says "He's losing a lot of blood, we have to do something and quickly!" McKayla says.

"The firemen are here. I'll go get them" Douglas leaves "Okay, I'll stay here and take care of Dooley." Perry stops trying to lift the beam.

McKayla takes out her cell phone "Oh no, my dad tried to call me a woman a few times" McKayla says, she sighs "I'm going to call him and tell him I'm fine, Leo hang in there" McKayla leaves.

McKayla calls Mason.

Mason and Brooke returned to their home and were waiting to hear from her.

Mason gets up from the couch and looks at Brooke slightly relieved "It's McKayla!" Mason says "What?" Brooke gets up.

"McKayla!" Mason says on the phone "Dad, hi" McKayla says "Daughter, where are you, are you okay?!" Mason asks "Uh, I'm fine" McKayla says.

"Don't lie to me" Mason says "I ran away to school, Leo and Douglas were with me. Dad there's a lot going on but I need to know how you are?" McKayla says.

"We're fine, your mother and I are at home...But the FBI is going to take your friends to a secret government facility" Mason says "What?" McKayla says devastated.

"We just left the Davenports' house and the agent said a transport is on the way..." Mason says, McKayla shakes her head, Mason sighs looking at the ceiling "Princess, if you have something to say to that boy. I suggest you go say it now" Mason says, Brooke smiles slightly at him.

"Thank you dad" McKayla says "We love you daughter, come home soon"Mason says "I love you too" McKayla hangs up the call.

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At the hospital.

Perry is in the room when Tasha walks in accompanied by an agent "They said Leo had some sort of accident. Is he okay?" Tasha asks.

"He's hurt pretty bad, but he's resting now. Don't worry. I'm making sure they take good care of our precious Leo." Perry says "Our precious Leo?" Tasha asks.

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