♬ 67 - Space Elevator

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In the common area.

Donald walks in "Heads up, we got a visitor coming." Donald says "Is it a government agent, coming to take us away?" Adam asks, Donald frowns "Our secrets been out for a year. Why would they take us away now?" Chase asks "Let's just say, I've done some things." Adam suspiciously says.

"I don't doubt it" McKayla says "It's my chief scientist, Dr. Ryan. He is by far the smartest man I have ever worked with." Donald says, Luke frowns and Chase makes an indignant face "Ahem!" Chase clears his throat loudly.

"Oh, you are right. I'm sorry." Donald puts his hand on Chase's shoulder "I am the smartest man I have ever worked with." Donald laughs "A smart guy wouldn't say that" McKayla mutters "What did you say McKayla?" Donald says "Who is Dr. Ryan?" McKayla forces a smile.

"Dr. Ryan was head of his class at MIT. And he's been Davenport Industries' employee of the month twice! That's never happened. Well, except, of course for me." Donald says "You named yourself employee of the month at your own company?x Leo asks, Donald nods.

"I think you love you a little too much." Leo says "It's not because I love myself. It's because I'm better than everyone else." Donald says "If you have to reaffirm that to yourself, maybe it's not true" Luke says, turning his mouth towards McKayla so she can hear, the two of them bump their fists "Busted!" They singy songy.

The hydraloop opens and Dr. Ryan steps out "Hey, hey! Wassup, dudes?" Dr. Ryan says "Ladies dudes." He tells Bree and McKayla.

"This is your esteemed chief scientist?" Bree asks "And employee of the month. Got the parking space and everything. I don't drive, but my mom uses it when she picks me up. That's right, twenty-eight, still living rent-free in my parent's basement. Jealous?" Dr Ryan turns to Bree and McKayla.

"No" Bree walks away "Not even close" McKayla says.

"Dr. Ryan is here to construct and test Davenport Industries new space elevator." Donald says "Space elevator?!" Chase shouts "Like the one you were working on?" Luke asks Chase, who nods indignantly.

"You see, this why people are out of shape. You should be building space stairs." Adam says "I confess I'm surprised you thought of that" McKayla says "Well, thanks" Adam says.

"It's a highly advanced transport that climbs a tether all the way to our space stations. Since it's held up by gravity. we can resupply without ever using a rocket." Dr Ryan explains and sees Chase huff angrily "Chase, you look confused an/or constipated. Do you have a question?" Dr Ryan asks.

"Yes! Why is he working on this? The space elevator was my project. I've been working on it for years." Chase says indignantly "And he went very far with this project, it's remarkable" Luke supports "This guy knows what he's talking about" Chase thinks.

"Yes, but I had to pass it off so you could focus on being a mentor." Donald tells Chase.

"Shouldn't he have at least asked Chase's opinion on this?" McKayla thinks "Would it hurt to ask me first?" Chase thinks indignantly.

"Don't worry, Dr. Ryan's been working off your research" Donald says "You gave him my research?!" Chase shouts angryly "Yes, and it's been very helpful. It's always good to know what's wrong so you can find out what's right." Dr Ryan says "Look, another egomaniac, everything we needed today, right?" Luke smiles sarcastically.

"Oh, no. Mr. Davenport, you can't let him do this!" Chase says "Check his résumé, Chase. He's one of the greatest minds of our time." Donald says "I'm sure he can't surpass the smartest man in the world" Luke says, Chase agrees "He's so real for that" McKayla raises an eyebrow at her cousin.

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