♬ 37 - Three Minus Bree

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In the main school hallway.

Adam, Chase, and Leo are sitting on the circular bench in the middle of the hallway.

McKayla passes by them "Hey guys..." McKayla waves "Hey" Leo and Adam says "Hi Chase" McKayla says softly and flirty. Chase is surprised by the specific hello but covers it with a smile.

"Hi Macky" Chase waves back and McKayla goes to her class "She's so pretty" he bites his lip "Uuuhhh!" Leo and Adam smirk, Chase rolls his eyes.

"Man, she's so into you" Leo says "Poor thing" Adam says, Chase galres at him.

"Why don't you ask her out?" Leo asks, Chase sighs "Because we're friends, and I finally starting to get along with her dad, I don't want to ruin that by rushing things" Chase explains.

Leo and Adam look at each other and groan rolling their eyes "We're just not ready" Chase says "Chase, you're still going to lose this girl because of your stupidity" Adam says "Really? You telling me that?" Chase raises his eyebrow.

"Look, It's okay to take it slow Chase, but you know how beautiful and popular McKayla is, she won't be available forever" Leo says, Chase scoffs.

"It's not going to happen, we like each other, I'm always here for her, why would she suddenly leave me aside?" Chase says, Leo shrugs "You never know what opportunities might come her way" Leo says.

Chase shakes his head, he doesn't agree with Leo. He has confidence in his relationship with McKayla, whether it's friendship or something more, he likes how things happen with her.

Everything is so natural that doesn't put him under pressure to do anything, not giving him room to get nervous and ruin things and McKayla seems to understand that.

Bree walks in with a pamphlet "Hey, did you guys know we had a study abroad program?" Bree asks "Why would I go to another country to do something I don't do here?" Adam asks.

"Look, it says you get to spend a whole semester at a high school in Australia. And guess what? I applied." Bree smile excitedly "Cool! Kelly Porter went last year. She got sucker punched by a kangaroo." Leo laughs and punches the air.

"Well, all right, I guess we're going to Australia." Adam says excitedly "Uh, no, no, no. No way. This is my thing. I mean, I can finally be on my own. I can study, travel, make new friends..." Bree says.

"Mmm, I hate to be a wet blanket..."Chase gets up "No, you don't." Leo says, Chase quickly glares at him and returns to Bree.

"But Mr. Davenport is never gonna let you do this. You can't go on missions if you're halfway across the world." Chase says "Well, sure I can. I mean, I haven't figured out all the details yet, but there's gotta be a way to make it work." Bree says.

"Not unless these two can unlock a new ability to make up for you not being here." Law points to Chase and Adam "Ooh! Well, maybe I can unlock an ability where I disappear and reappear somewhere else. Let me try." Adam closes his eyes and grunts.

"Did it work?" Adam opens his eyes "You didn't do it long enough. Try it again, this time, more grunting." Chase says sarcastically.

Adam closes his eyes and starts grunting again. Chase beckons Bree and Leo and they walk around to the other side of Adam. Adam opens his eyes and they all start cheering.

♬ *ೃ Bionic Rhythm ♬ *ೃ - Chase Davenport x Oc Where stories live. Discover now