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Amelia was as normal as they came. She loved playing in the backyard, watching movies with her Dad and watching in ore as her Dad girlfriend did her job. Amelia loved more than anything when she would take her to the studio.  She couldn't wait to come home from school everyday to see her Dad's girlfriend as she was Amelia's favourite person.

March 2020

'Joe Alwyn's daughter is walking the streets of LA  with pop star Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift Boyfriend daughter who is noticeably more bigger then a normal 10 year old girl must be ashamed of herself being photographed with perfect pop star'.  Amelia couldn't help but cry in her room alone, "Dinner Amelia." "I'll be down in a minute." Amelia called out as she wiped her tears.

She made her way down stairs to see her dad and Taylor sitting at the table. "Taylor." She went to hug her Dad's girlfriend, as Taylor was touring they weren't supposed to see her for a month. "Hey gorgeous." She smiled and gave her a kiss. "What are you doing here?" "Um honey, I'm gonna be home for a while ok." "Why is everything ok?" "Yeah sweetheart the tour has been canceled. There is a pandemic and so Tay is going to be quarantining with us." Joe tried to keep his daughter from panicking. "Are we gonna be ok?" "Yes of course honey, we just have to stay home for a while so we don't get sick."

August 2020

"I love the new album!" Amelia smiled with Taylor as they sat on the sofa listening to Folklore Taylor's brand new album track for track. "Well my glad you approve!" Taylor smiled as Amelia smothered her in hugs. "Hey Meals, how would you feel about coming to New York with me for a week? Me and a couple of the writers are officially recording the album down at Long Pond Studios. I know how much you loved coming to the studio before lockdown." Taylor asked the 10 year old. "Really?" Amelia asked giving her another hug. "Only if Dad says yes okay." Taylor said as Amelia went to go ask her Dad.

September 2020

"Wow this looks amazing." Amelia said in ore as her and Taylor stepped out of Taylor's private jet onto the huge property. "You approve?" Taylor asked grabbing her hand. "Oh yeah, can I see the recording studio?" She asked as Taylor lead she into the studio.

"Hello. How are you Taylor?" "I'm good Aaron, how are you?" Taylor smiled letting go of Amelia's hand and giving him a hug. "We are good." Jack came beside Aaron and also gave Taylor a hug. Amelia hid behind Taylor she's
never been into meeting new people. "And who's this?" Aaron asked bending down to Amelia's level. Taylor bent down too and Amelia gave her a hug hiding her face from them. "This is Joe's little girl she loves studios but she's a bit shy." Taylor smiled to the boys. "How about we go look at the house?" Taylor asked Amelia. She nodded, took Taylor's hand and followed her out the door.

"This is where we are going to sleep tonight." Taylor said to Amelia. Amelia couldn't help but cry, she didn't realise how scared she was of other people she hadn't seen anyone beside Taylor's mom in months. "Hey sweetheart, you're ok. I'm here." Taylor embraced her. "What wrong?" "Im scared Taylor I wanna go home." "Meals, you are gonna be ok. I'm gonna be with you the entire time I promise." Taylor held the shaking 10 year old.  Amelia stayed in Taylor arms for a good 5 minutes. "I'm sorry, I thought I would be ok. I didn't really how bad my social anxiety would be." "Hey Amelia you don't need to apologise. You just met these people. What do you need right now?" Taylor asked holding her close. "Can you just stay with me please?" "Of course I can do that. Come on let's snuggle and watch a movie." Taylor said as Amelia settled down onto the bed snuggling into Taylor chest.

Once she fell asleep Taylor went to join the others down stairs. "Hey is she ok? I'm not meaning to pry but I heard her crying." Aaron asked pouring Taylor a glass of wine. "She's ok, just abit shaken up, she's a shy kid and she hasn't seen anyone since before lockdown." Taylor confessed. "Will she be ok the rest of the trip?" Jack asked concerned. "Yeah she will be fine she just needs a goodnight sleep. She'll be fine in the morning."

This Is Amelia Trying- A Tayvis StoryWhere stories live. Discover now