Chapter 30

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The morning light filtered through the curtains as Taylor and Travis sat across from Amelia at the kitchen table. The mood was serious but supportive. Taylor reached out, placing a gentle hand on Amelia's.

"Are you ready to go in and get the protection order settled today?" Taylor asked softly, her eyes full of concern and care.

Amelia hesitated for a moment, her gaze dropping to her hands, which were nervously fidgeting in her lap. After a deep breath, she nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready."

Travis gave her an encouraging smile. "This is just the first step, Amelia. It's important, and we're right here with you."

The drive to the courthouse was quiet, each of them lost in their thoughts. Taylor kept glancing over at Amelia, worried but proud of the decision she had made. Travis drove with a calm, steady hand, keeping the atmosphere as peaceful as possible.

When they arrived, they were greeted by Ms. Cartwright, who had arranged the meeting. She led them into a small, private room where the paperwork was ready. Amelia sat down in front of the desk, feeling the weight of the moment.

Ms. Cartwright explained everything in a clear, patient manner. She outlined what the protection order would mean, what it would entail, and what steps they would need to take afterward. Amelia listened carefully, her heart pounding in her chest.

Taylor sat beside her, squeezing her hand gently whenever she sensed Amelia needed the reassurance. Travis remained close, offering quiet, steady support.

When it came time for Amelia to sign the documents, she paused, looking up at Taylor and Travis. They both nodded, their expressions encouraging. With a deep breath, Amelia picked up the pen and signed her name. It felt like a small victory, a step toward reclaiming some control over her life.

After everything was done, Ms. Cartwright smiled warmly at Amelia. "You did great today. This is a big step, and I'm proud of you for taking it."

Amelia managed a small smile in return. It was a hard day, but she felt a little stronger for having gone through it.

As they left the courthouse, Taylor wrapped an arm around Amelia's shoulders. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired," Amelia admitted. "But... I think I'm okay."

"One step at a time," Travis reminded her. "And remember, we're here with you every step of the way."

As they headed home, the tension began to ease. Amelia still had a long way to go, but she knew she wasn't alone. Taylor and Travis would be by her side, no matter what challenges lay ahead

This Is Amelia Trying- A Tayvis StoryWhere stories live. Discover now