Chapter 2

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September 2023

Taylor's House

"Hey Tay." Travis smirked as she got off her private jet. "Oh how I've missed you." She kissed him. "My family is already here, Waytt is very excited to see you." "Well let's make our way inside then."

Joe's House

Amelia's POV

It's 11:30pm I haven't ate dinner, in fact I didn't have anything for lunch either we have no food in the house and Dad has been out partying every night this week. I can feel my stomach growling, screaming at me for food but I had nothing on offer. Instead I tried to fall asleep despite to make myself feel better. About 3 hours later at about 2:30am I heard a loud bang coming from downstairs. It was Dad stumbling in from his Uber. "Dad I haven't ate since breakfast." I complained still not feeling well. "You ungrateful little shit. I give you everything. Go to bed. You can eat in the morning." He slapped my face. I went upstairs too scared of what he would do to me if I retaliated.

The next morning at about 7:30am I got up. I hadn't slept since my Dad got home. I made my way downstairs. He was already up. "Dad can we please go down to the shops there isn't anything to eat." I pleaded I felt so sick I needed food. "NO YOU WILL BE FINE!" He yelled still half drunk. "Dad please I'm starting to feel sick." "Don't you dare talk back to me!" He slapped me once again. I didn't speak but went upstairs.

I opened Instagram and saw Travis Kelce story, I started following him after finding out him and Tay were dating. It was a picture of him and Tay they looked so happy I started to cry remembering the photos of me and Tay happy together, I missed her more than anything.

No One POV

Amelia was so mad at her dad. She hated her life now. She would do quite literally anything to live with Taylor at least than she would feel safe and loved.

A Week Later

Amelia hadn't ate since that night. She was getting sicker and sicker with no one to help her. She stumbled downstairs to find a woman she had never met. "Who is this?" She spoke weakly. "Honey this is my new girlfriend." Joe said grabbing the girls hip as she laughed. "I'm gonna go out for a bit, could you girls past the time?" "Of course we can babe." The woman spoke making Amelia feel even more uncomfortable.

After Joe left Amelia tried to go back upto her room. "Where do you think you're going?" "I'm tired." She grabbed Amelia's hand cutting off her circulation. "I don't think so." "STOP YOURE HURTING ME!" Amelia yelled in pain. "You are such an entitled brat, just like Joe said. Ever since your Mom died." "Don't talk about my Mom. You didn't even know her!" Amelia said with tears of anger. The woman slapped her to the ground and left her there.

Her body was shaking, she could barely stand. She managed to grab her phone, she dialled the only person she could trust. Taylor. She called but it went to voicemail. "Shit!" She screamed. She had no other way out. She tried again but no luck. She cried and cried, she was too weak to run.

She heard Joe get home it was 11:45pm hours after he left. Joe made his way up to her room. "Do you have any idea what sort of shit I've done for you. Ever since your mom died you have been nothing but trouble." "Dad I don't even know you anymore. You changed, you never used to drink or starve me when.." "what when Taylor was around?" "Yeah when she was here." "Well guess what Amelia she's gone. She doesn't give a shit about me or you." "That's not true, she cares a lot!" "Tell has she ever reached out asking us how we are?" Joe questioned her "no she hasn't! Amelia she doesn't care what happens to you. You're stuck with me she's not coming back for you!" "YOU DONT KNOW THAT!" Amelia cried, she knew her dad was wrong but after the unanswered phone call she started to doubt her. "She promised me!" Amelia claimed as Joe slapped her again. "Kid she doesn't care!." He pulled out his phone. "Look, she's got a new life and a new stupid boyfriend. Who she disgustedly adores." Joe shoved photos of Taylor and Travis in her face. "Amelia stop acting like she coming back, she not! Give Jenny a chance." "Never! You didn't hear the way she spoke about mom!" Amelia got mad remembering the words her dad's new girlfriend spoke to her. "Amelia your mom is dead! Shes not coming back either!" Joe said bluntly. Amelia couldn't help her tears. "I hate her. I hate you, I'm better off on my own." "I'd love to see you leave and try and survive on your own." Joe said unkindly as Amelia ran down the stairs and out the front door.

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