Chapter 59

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Amelia and James stood on the porch of Taylor's Rhode Island beach house, peering down at the lively scene unfolding on the shore. A group of teens and kids, ranging from about ten to sixteen, were playing beach volleyball, their laughter and shouts carried by the salty breeze. The sun was beginning its slow descent, casting a warm, golden glow over the sand and sea. It looked like so much fun, and Amelia could feel the pull of it, the desire to be part of that carefree group.

"Do you think we could join them?" James asked, her voice filled with longing. She glanced up at Amelia, her wide eyes hopeful.

Amelia bit her lip, wanting the same thing. "It would be fun," she murmured, more to herself than to James. The thought of running on the beach, feeling the sand beneath her feet, and making new friends was tempting. She imagined herself joining in on the game, laughing along with the other kids, the worries and anxieties that had been weighing her down melting away in the sun.

But the idea of actually going down there—of stepping out of her comfort zone—felt like a big leap.

As if on cue, Taylor and Blake, who had been sitting on the porch chatting and sipping iced tea, caught the direction of their gaze. Taylor set her glass down and gave Amelia a knowing look. "I see those wheels turning," she said with a smile. "But before you even ask, the answer is no."

Amelia and James both turned to her, a chorus of protests already forming on their lips.

"Why not?" James whined, her eyes pleading. "It's just down there! We'll be careful, I promise!"

Blake shook her head, though her expression was gentle. "It's not that we don't trust you, James. But there's a big difference between watching from here and actually being down there in the middle of it. A nine-year-old and a fourteen-year-old heading down to hang out with a bunch of older kids—especially boys—that's not something we're comfortable with."

Amelia's shoulders slumped. She understood where Taylor and Blake were coming from, but it didn't make the disappointment any easier. She wanted to argue that she was responsible, that she'd keep an eye on James, but she knew the concern wasn't about them following the rules. It was about the potential for things to get out of hand, for situations to arise that they weren't ready to handle.

James, however, wasn't ready to give up. "But you can see everything from here!" she insisted, her voice rising slightly in pitch. "It's not like we'd be out of sight. You could watch us the whole time!"

Blake and Taylor exchanged a glance, both clearly weighing the request. Taylor sighed, leaning forward slightly. "I know it seems harmless, but it's just not a good idea, James. The beach might look close, but things can happen fast, especially with older kids involved."

Amelia could see that James was about to argue again, so she placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezing gently. "Maybe we can do something else instead," she suggested softly, trying to diffuse the situation. "We could go for a walk along the shore, just the two of us?"

James looked up at her, her expression still tinged with disappointment, but she nodded slowly. "Okay," she mumbled, her earlier excitement dimming.

Blake smiled at Amelia, clearly grateful for her stepping in. "That sounds like a good plan. You two can still enjoy the beach, but just stick together, alright?"

"Alright," Amelia agreed. She looked back down at the group of kids on the beach, the ones she wouldn't be joining, and felt a twinge of regret. But then she focused on James, who was looking up at her with a mixture of admiration and sadness. Maybe it wasn't the adventure they had hoped for, but they could still make it special.

The two girls headed down the stairs, walking side by side towards the beach. The sand was cool beneath their feet as they strolled along the shoreline, the waves lapping gently at their toes. As they walked, the sounds of the kids playing volleyball faded into the background, replaced by the rhythmic sound of the ocean and the quiet conversation between them.

"Thanks for coming with me," James said after a while, her voice quiet.

Amelia smiled down at her. "Of course. We can still have fun, just us two."

James nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Yeah. And maybe one day we'll be able to join them."

"Maybe," Amelia agreed, though she wasn't entirely sure if she wanted to anymore. Right now, she was content with just being here, enjoying the moment with James.

And as they continued walking, with the sun setting behind them and the ocean stretching out endlessly before them, Amelia realized that this was enough.

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