Chapter 6

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Taylor and Travis heard her door to the guest room close. Taylor told a deep breath, she didn't expect her day to start like this. "You ok Tay?" Travis asked taking Amelia's stop on the sofa. "Yeah I guess. I just didn't expect this. I should have reached out to her. I knew first hand how upset she was when we broke up." Taylor admitted. "Don't go so hard on yourself. You didn't know he would treat her like this." Travis gave Taylor a hug. "I know. I just wanna make sure I can protect her, she didn't deserve any of what Joe put her through." "We will protect her I promise. She has a safe place to turn." "Thank you." Taylor smiled. "What for?" "For being okay with this. A lot of guys would have walked out by now." "Well I can see how much you care about her, and after all it isn't her fault that she has been abused." Travis said. Taylor smiled knowing how supportive Travis was of her decision to help Amelia.

A couple of minutes went by, Taylor got up and went out the front. She saw Dave. "Hey Dave." She went up to him. "Yes Miss Swift." He answered. "Dave it's fine, please just call me Taylor." "Sorry Taylor." "Can you do me a favour?" "Yes sure anything." "If Joe comes. Don't let him anywhere near the house." Taylor said strictly. "Yes of course but can I ask why would Joe come here?" "Amelia's inside, I won't go into details but I don't want Joe to be anywhere near her at the moment." "Was that who collapsed I didn't get a chance to look?" "Yes." Taylor answered. Dave didn't speak, it was clear what happened wasn't good.

A few hours later Amelia woke up. She made her way downstairs and heard unfamiliar voices talking. She was scared to intrude. She went to walk upstairs when a girl approached her she looked about four. "Who are you?" The little girl asked Amelia, she didn't know how to answer. She knew she would've been the daughter of one of Taylor or Travis's friends but she didn't know who's kid she was she never met her. "Um I'm one of Taylor's friends...?" She said unsure of how to answer her. "No your not! I know all of aunty Tay's friends and you're not one of them." The little girl claimed. Amelia unsure of how to answer didn't respond to the little girl. "So who are you?" The little girl asked once again this time sounding meaner.

"Wyatt... come here please." A man called out. The little girl ran into the living room, Amelia followed her hoping Taylor would be in there. "Wyatt this isn't your house. You can't just wonder off okay." The man sounded strict. Amelia unsure of what to do stayed out of the room. "Daddy I found a weird girl in the house!" The little girl spoke excitedly. "A weird girl?" Her dad asked as Amelia entered the room. "Oh yes guys this is... Amelia." Taylor said going over to Amelia. Amelia gave an anxious wave as Taylor walked her over to where her and Travis were sitting and grabbed her a chair to sit on. "Hey, do you wanna come play outside?" Wyatt asked as Amelia sat down. "Oh Wyatt, maybe later." Travis said looking at how anxious Amelia was. Amelia smiled and stayed quiet. "But I'm boooorrred." Wyatt complained. "Ok I'll come outside." Amelia said making the little girl smile. "Amelia you don't have too." Taylor said gently touching Amelia's arm. "No it's fine." Amelia smiled. "Do you at least want me to come, I don't mind." "No it's alright, I'm only going outside to play with her. It's fine." "I know but you are still weak Amelia. I don't want you to pass out again." Taylor said concerned. "Please let me go, I'm fine really." Amelia got defensive she knew deep down Taylor was right but she didn't want to admit it. Taylor sighed as Amelia left the room.

"Did you know my Dad and Uncle play football?" Wyatt asked Amelia as she lead her outside. "No I didn't." She answered. "Well that's okay. I can teach you how to play if you want, I'm a pro!" "Is that so?" Amelia smiled. "Yes!" Wyatt answered excitedly. "Well you better show me then."

Taylor got off the sofa and went to the window to watch the girls. "Is she okay Trav? Who is that? We've never met her." Jason, Travis's brother asked when Taylor was out of ear shot. "She is Taylor's Ex's kid. She showed up here at around 8." Travis admitted to his big brother. "Taylor's ex?" Jason asked confused, he wasn't an expert when it came to Taylor's dating history but he didn't realise any of the ones he knew of from social media had a kid. "Yeah, Joe... turns out he had a kid the whole time. Taylor said he wanted to keep her out of the media as much as possible. She's only a teenager, most of their relationship she would have been only a little kid so it makes sense why he would wanna keep her out of the media to protect her." "Still why would she show up here?" Jason asked still not fully understanding why she was there. "Look I won't go into detail but she didn't feel safe with him. She turned to Taylor for help. I can tell Tay is really worried about her." "What about her mom? I assume her and Joe weren't together." "I don't know much about her mom but from what I gather I don't think she is in the picture." "Oh..." Jason said unsure of what else to say. "Look Jas, it's all very new. Taylor wasn't expecting her to show up here but she couldn't bare to kick her out onto the streets. Please don't say anything I don't know if it's something Taylor gonna tell other people or not." Jason nodded unstanding Travis's request.

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