Chapter 14

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*"Get off me you creep!" She said as he put his hand down her shirt feeling her. She couldnt scream or yell or even cry she was numb. "Help, help!"*

Taylor woke up and heard yelling coming from down the hall, it was about 4am. Half asleep Taylor made her way down the hall, James and Inez had also woke up to the noise. Taylor opened Amelia's door. She turned the dim lights on to see her in distress in her sleep, she was sweaty and crying. Taylor went over to her and gently sat down at her feet. Gently rubbing her hands she tried to wake her up. She wasn't waking up, Taylor didn't wanna shake her and wake her up as it might scare her even more. "Aunty Tay is she ok?" Inez asked. "I don't know, Inez. Can you go get Travis please." Taylor asked the 7 year old.

Taylor heard crying coming from outside the door. It was James. "Come here James." She spoke softly. "I'm sorry, I didn't know she was hurting." James cried into Taylor's shoulder. "It's alright sweetheart. You weren't supposed too." "Is she gonna be ok?" James asked anxiously seeing how much Amelia was in distress. "Yeah she will be fine. She just having a nightmare." Taylor reassured her.

"What's going on?" Travis asked as him and Inez entered the room. "I think she's having a nightmare, but I can't wake her up." Taylor said as Travis sat down on the other side of the bed. "Amelia honey, you're okay." Travis said putting his hands on her shoulder. After about a minute she woke up. She was confused and looked scared. She looked around the room. "Hey Tay how about you go put James and Inez back in bed." Travis said to give Amelia some space. Taylor nodded and led the girls out of the room.

"Are you okay?" Travis asked Amelia. "I don't know, I was in this room but I couldn't get out. The guy locked me in the room. He was touching me, feeling down my back." She said scared. "Amelia it was just a dream though right. You're safe." Travis reassured her. "No! It felt so real." Amelia persisted. "Amelia no one is gonna to hurt you here." Amelia didn't speak she was still trying to see what was real and what wasn't.

After a minute or two Taylor walked back into the room and sat down next to Amelia. "Meals, I'm so sorry, I was wrong to yell at you. I know it's not an excuse but I tend to get overprotective when it comes to them." Taylor apologised. "I'm sorry too, I know you guys are just trying to help. It's just hard I don't like not feeling in control." Amelia admitted. "I get it Meals, we aren't trying to take over, maybe we have to trying harder to meet each other halfway." Amelia nodded before giving Taylor a hug. "Are you okay? That dream looked intense." Taylor asked her. "I don't know, the man was trying to rape me in this room, there was no way out." Amelia began to cry. "What man?" Taylor asked confused. "The man from the park."Amelia cried she had assumed Travis told Taylor. Taylor didn't speak but instead hugged her tightly. After a minute she spoke, "how about you try and go back to bed. It's still very late." Taylor said taking her focus off her dream. Amelia nodded and laid back down.

Taylor and Travis went to walk out when Amelia spoke. "Can one of you guys stay until I fall asleep?" Taylor and Travis looked at each other before Taylor went to go laid back down next to Amelia. "I can stay. I don't mind." Taylor said letting Amelia feel comfortable. Amelia didn't speak but instead grabbed Taylor's hand, thanking her for her support.

This Is Amelia Trying- A Tayvis StoryWhere stories live. Discover now