Chapter 35

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Christmas afternoon was winding down, and the house buzzed with the warmth and laughter that only the holiday could bring. Wrapping paper still littered the floor, remnants of the morning's excitement, and the smell of Donna's famous roast filled the air. Amelia had been quiet since the gift exchange, processing the mix of emotions that always seemed to swirl around her during the holidays.

"Alright, everyone!" Donna called out cheerfully from the living room, clapping her hands to get the family's attention. "It's time for our annual Christmas tradition—the carolers are about to start down the street. Let's bundle up and head out!"

A chorus of enthusiastic agreements filled the room as Travis's family began to gather their coats and scarves. Amelia, standing a little apart from the group, watched the hustle and bustle, her heart sinking slightly. She had heard about the tradition earlier in the day, and while she had been excited at the thought of joining in, she now realized something—they hadn't accounted for her.

As everyone started pairing up to leave, it became clear that the large family didn't have enough room in the car for one more.

Taylor, who had been watching Amelia carefully, noticed the flicker of disappointment in her eyes. Without missing a beat, she stepped closer to Travis and Amelia, giving the girl's shoulder a gentle squeeze. "Hey, how about we do something different?" Taylor suggested softly. "The three of us can take a walk down ourselves and catch up with the carolers. Or, if you'd rather, we could just stay here, have some hot cocoa, and enjoy the lights from the window."

Amelia bit her lip, feeling torn. She didn't want to make a fuss, but she couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider, the odd one out in a family that wasn't really hers. She glanced at Travis, who was watching her with a reassuring smile, clearly ready to do whatever made her comfortable.

"I don't know..." Amelia said hesitantly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I... I don't want to ruin the tradition for everyone else."

"You wouldn't be ruining anything, sweetheart," Travis said, crouching down slightly to meet her eye level. "We can make our own tradition this year if that's what you want. The most important thing is that you're comfortable."

The kindness in Travis's eyes made Amelia's heart ache. She knew they meant well, but the thought of going out now, after realizing the unintentional oversight, left her feeling even more like she didn't quite belong. She looked back toward the living room, where the rest of the family was already heading out the door, their laughter and excitement echoing through the house.

"I think..." Amelia started, her voice wavering slightly. "I think I just want to stay here. If that's okay."

Taylor nodded immediately, her expression gentle and understanding. "Of course it's okay. We can stay in, just the three of us, and have our own cozy Christmas. How does that sound?"

Amelia managed a small smile, appreciating how Taylor and Travis always seemed to know what she needed. "That sounds... nice," she admitted, her shoulders relaxing slightly.

As the rest of the family left for the carolers, Taylor, Travis, and Amelia retreated to the living room. Taylor set about making hot cocoa, while Travis pulled out some blankets, turning on the fireplace for extra warmth. They all curled up together on the couch, the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree casting a soft glow over the room.

They didn't need to say much as they sipped their drinks and watched the snow falling gently outside. For Amelia, it was enough just to be there, in the quiet company of the two people who had come to mean so much to her. She still felt the weight of the earlier moment, but in the warmth of the room, with Taylor and Travis by her side, she found some comfort.

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