Chapter 10

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Taylor left Amelia alone to think. She made her way back out to Travis. "How did it go?" Travis asked as she sat down on the sofa. Taylor exhaled before speaking, "not good. She doesn't want to go, she's scared, I can tell." "Look not to say I told you so but I did tell you she wouldn't be trilled with the idea." Travis said. "Look I had to try, she needs help." Taylor said as there was knocking at her door. "Who's that?" Travis asked confused. "I have no idea." Taylor answered as she went to the door.

To her surprise it was Blake one of her best friends. "Hey!" Taylor said giving her friend a hug. "Hey girl, how have you been?" Blake asked walking in the doorway. "I've been better." Taylor said thinking about Amelia. "Oh are you guys sick?" Blake asked concerned. "Oh no, I just have other things going on." "Are you and Travis fighting?" She asked not knowing Travis was in the living room. "Um hi Blake." Travis yelled from the other room. "Oh so not Travis." Taylor laughed as she continued, "so what's going on?" Taylor hesitated. "Amelia.. she um... she showed up here yesterday." "Amelia... as in Joe's Amelia?" Blake asked. "Yep that's the one." "What is she doing here?" "Um.... It's kind of a long story." Taylor said hoping she would've left it at that. Blake persisted though. "Joe has um... been abusing her. Hitting her, starving her, who knows what else that's all she's opened up about." Taylor admitted to her friend. "Oh shit! What the fuck. I did think Joe was always a little bit odd but I didn't think he would be abusive especially to his own daughter." "Yeah I feel terrible, she was trying to reach out to me and came here when I didn't reply. But she won't eat, she getting sicker and sicker by the minute. I'm not gonna lie I'm really worried about her." "How come she won't eat?" "I don't know, I think it might have something to do with Joe not feeding her. But she is showing the same signs I was back when I wasn't eating, I have a really bad feeling she's developing an eating disorder." "Why don't you take her to a doctor get her checked out?" Blake suggested. "I'm trying too but she doesn't want to. She's scared they will make things worse." "Well that's no good, she can't just not eat." "I know, I will keep trying, but every time we bring up her eating habits she gets either defensive or upset, I don't know how I approach it without making her feel cornered." "I can't tell you what to do Tay, thankfully I have no experience with this kind of thing." "I just... I can tell how much she's struggling. I want too help but she's so different to when I was with Joe. She's almost a completely new person. I don't know what to say to make her trust me like she used to." "Maybe just give me some time she'll come around to the idea... eventually. You've got to remember Tay for the last six months she's been completely on her own especially if that's how Joe was treating her. She's probably built up this wall, like a safely wall to keep her safe from letting other people in. It's probably not gonna be easy for her to trust someone else because she hasn't been able too." "Yeah that's what I'm afraid of." Taylor told her best friend, "anyways enough of my worries. What are doing here?" She asked redirecting the conversation. "Um.. well... I was going to ask if you and Travis could have James and Inez tonight. Ryan and I had an overnight appointment with Betty to get a few tests done. But with the situation here it might not be the best time." Taylor hesitated for a second thinking about how Amelia would feel. "No look that should be fine, it's gives her more time to think and not have pressure on her. The girls will have to sleep together though. Amelia using the good spare room, the other one Inez normally sleeps in is fine but the other room is mainly a junk room." "Yeah look they are fine to share and I will tell them to not ask questions about anything regarding Amelia." "Thank you." Taylor smiled. "Can we come around 3:30? Gives you a few hours to get ready for them." Taylor nodded as Blake left.

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