Chapter 68

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The sun was starting to dip below the horizon as Amelia and James made their way back up to the house after another fun-filled day at the beach. The day had gone much like the last, with the usual activities of playing in the water, building sandcastles, and chatting with Logan and Owen. The beach had become a sanctuary of sorts, a place where Amelia could momentarily forget about the pressures of her life and just be a normal teenager.

As they walked up the sandy path toward the house, Logan jogged up to them, his blonde hair catching the last rays of the sun. He seemed a bit hesitant, almost as if he was gathering the courage to say something.

"Hey, Amelia," Logan began, his tone casual but with a hint of something more. "I was thinking... would you want to go to the movies tonight? Like, around 8? Just the two of us?"

Amelia blinked in surprise, feeling her heart skip a beat. The thought of going to the movies with Logan sounded exciting, almost too good to be true. But she also knew that Taylor and Travis would likely have something to say about it.

"That sounds like fun," Amelia replied, trying to keep her voice steady. "But I'd have to ask Taylor and Travis first. I can't promise anything."

Logan smiled, seemingly understanding. "Of course. Just let me know what they say. I really hope you can come, though."

Amelia nodded, and after exchanging goodbyes, she continued up the path with James, who had been quietly watching the exchange with a curious expression.

As they approached the house, James nudged Amelia with a playful grin. "Looks like someone's got a date."

Amelia rolled her eyes, though she couldn't help but smile. "It's not a date. We're just... hanging out."

"Uh-huh," James teased, but she dropped the subject as they reached the front door.

As they walked inside, the familiar sounds of dinner preparation filled the air. The smell of something delicious wafted from the kitchen, and Amelia could hear Wyatt's laughter echoing from somewhere in the house. It was a comforting scene, one that made her feel both at home and a little nervous about what she was about to ask.

After washing up, Amelia found Taylor and Travis in the living room, chatting quietly as they waited for dinner to be ready. She hesitated for a moment, gathering her thoughts, before stepping into the room.

"Hey, can I talk to you guys for a second?" Amelia asked, her voice slightly shaky.

Taylor and Travis looked up, their expressions immediately softening. "Of course girly, what's up?" Travis said, motioning for her to sit down.

Amelia took a deep breath. "So, Logan invited me to go to the movies tonight. It's at 8, and... well, it would just be the two of us."

Taylor's brows furrowed slightly, and she exchanged a glance with Travis before turning back to Amelia. "The movies? Just the two of you?"

Amelia nodded. "Yeah, but I told him I'd have to ask you guys first. I know it's a bit last minute, and I'm not even sure if it's okay, but... I thought I'd ask."

There was a moment of silence as Taylor and Travis considered her request. Amelia could feel her heart pounding in her chest, the anticipation almost unbearable.

Finally, Taylor spoke. "Amelia, we trust you, but we also have to make sure you're safe. Going out alone at night with someone you just met... it's a bit concerning."

"I know," Amelia quickly said, "but it's just the movies, and I'll have my phone with me. I promise I'll check in with you guys, and if you're not comfortable with it, I won't go."

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