Chapter 5

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Amelia started getting worried, she knew Joe would kill her if he knew she was here. She didn't speak but instead took comfort in Taylor's presence. Her stomach was so sick, she needed food but didn't know how to ask. "Do you need anything?" Taylor asked calmly seeing the destress on Amelia's face. "Can I have something to eat?" Amelia asked. "Of course, what do you want?" "Can I have some fruit?" "Yes you can have some fruit, anything in particular?" "Anything I don't mind." Amelia said as Taylor got off the sofa and walked to the kitchen.

Travis went over to Amelia. "If there is anything you need just know that we are here for you." Travis smiled as he put his hand on her leg. She flinched and moved further away from him. "I'm so sorry I wasn't thinking." He said backing off. Amelia didn't speak back instead looked to the doorway anxiously waiting for Taylor to come back.

Taylor made her way back to Amelia with a bowl of fruit in her hand. "I'll go make the guest room up for her Tay." Travis said as he left the room. "Thanks Trav." She called out. "Now here you go." Amelia took the bowl, her hands were shaking. The dropped the bowl into her lap. She began to cry. "Hey Meals it's ok. Everything gonna be ok." Taylor reassured her as she picked up the fruit and put it on the coffee table. "What's wrong?" Taylor asked grabbing her hands to help her calm down. "Travis he... touched my leg. I freaked out. I didn't mean too. I'm sorry he probably hates me now." Amelia cried. "It's just that all Dad has been doing the past couple of months is hitting me. He brought this new girl home and left me with her and she said something about mom. I told her she had no right to say anything about her and in response she started hitting me too. I know Travis is only trying to help. I feel terrible." Amelia told Taylor as tears streamed down her face. "Amelia it's ok. You been through shit! It's gonna take a lot more than you flinching for him to hate you. He is a really great patient guy. He understands okay you don't need to worry. We are here to help you both of us." Taylor hugged her to help her settle. "Now let's try and eat something okay." Taylor said Amelia nodded and started to eat very slowly, Taylor stayed with her holding her while she ate.

Amelia finished her food as Travis came back out. "The room is ready." He said giving Taylor a kiss. "Thank you." Taylor smiled. "Hey Tay, do you mind if I go lay down I'm still really tired, I didn't sleep last night?" Amelia asked. "Yes of course. Do you remember where the guest room is?" Taylor asked. Amelia nodded and got up off the sofa. "I'll come check on you later." Taylor said as Amelia walked out.

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