Chapter 7

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Amelia started to feel dizzy as Wyatt showed Amelia her football Jason has got her. She didn't wanna disappoint her so she stayed outside. Wyatt went to pass the ball to Amelia as Amelia swayed a bit losing her balance. It felt like the ground below her was caving in. Taylor watching the whole experience rushed to Amelia's side. "Okay I think that's enough." Taylor said to the girls as she helped Amelia stabilise herself. "Taylor I'm fine." Amelia said pushing Taylor's hand off her arm. She didn't wanna admit she needed help. "Amelia no, you are gonna hurt yourself!" She said concerned. "Really I'm fine. I just wasn't expecting to catch the ball so quickly I'm fine." "Amelia I said no, please go back inside." "Taylor I lost my balance it's not the end of the world." Amelia got defensive she was holding a strong front she really didn't want to admit to her she was struggling. A part of her was embarrassed she had figured out the little girl and the man were Travis's family. "Amelia we are not having this argument. You came here because you needed help so let me help you. Wyatt come on, we are going inside. Uncle Trav and Dad can come out and play with you later." Taylor said strictly as she held out her hand for Wyatt to grab hold of.

Amelia was mad, she had never been good in situations where she didn't feel in control but she knew Taylor was right, she needed help it was no use trying to protest with her. Amelia walked inside behind Taylor and Wyatt shamefully. She didn't say a word but instead made her way to the staircase. "Where are you going?" Wyatt asked. Amelia didn't answer her but instead kept walking up the stairs. "Did I do something wrong?" Wyatt asked upset she was too young to understand the situation. Taylor bent down to Wyatts level. "No of course not Wy she just needs some space." Taylor reassured her it wasn't her fault. "But she's upset shouldn't we go see if she is okay?" Wyatt asked. "I think she just needs some alone time okay. Yeah she's really upset but it's a situation you wouldn't understand Wy." Taylor tried to end the conversation. "Why not?" Wyatt persisted. "Well she doesn't have mommy or a daddy she can talk too, like you do." Taylor tried to keep the conversation as child friendly and as undetailed as possible. "Well she seems really nice, she can share my mommy and daddy." Wyatt said innocently. "Oh Wy... honey it's not that simple I'm afraid. Thank you though." Taylor smiled ending the conversation.

Amelia in the guest room sat in tears. She knew everything Taylor was saying was the truth she came here because she needed help and she knew it. But being here felt so wrong, she felt so out of place. She felt helpless and she hated it. She was used to keeping up her guard especially as of lately with Joe. She was always on edge. She knew she was safe here but after being in that toxic situation for so long she taught herself to keep her guard up to help her feel safe. Letting people in has never been easy for her but now it felt impossible.

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