Chapter 52

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Melbourne was buzzing with excitement, the city alive with the anticipation of Taylor's next concert. As the days unfolded, Taylor and Amelia found a silent understanding that it would be best for Amelia to stay backstage during Taylor's performances. The anxiety Amelia felt in the crowd was still fresh in their minds, and they both agreed that keeping her behind the curtains would provide a sense of security.

Backstage, the atmosphere was a stark contrast to the vibrant energy of the concert hall. The bustling crew and the hum of preparation created a cocoon of activity that Amelia found oddly soothing. Tree, Taylor's ever-reliable tour manager, was tasked with keeping Amelia company and ensuring her comfort during the shows.

Amelia had become somewhat accustomed to the backstage environment. The sound of the muffled crowd and the distant thrum of the bass became a part of her routine. While the noise of the concert was still present, it was now filtered through walls and corridors, and Amelia felt a certain level of detachment from it all.

Taylor had also made adjustments to her routine to help Amelia feel more at ease. She would make a point to visit Amelia during her breaks, offering her reassurance and a quick hug before heading back on stage. It was their little ritual, a moment of calm amidst the whirlwind of Taylor's performances.

On one such day, as Taylor prepared for the evening show, she found Amelia sitting quietly in a corner of the green room. The space was decorated with soft, ambient lighting and plush couches, designed to be a peaceful retreat from the chaos outside.

"Hey, you," Taylor said softly, entering the room. She noticed Amelia's gaze fixed on a small, intricate puzzle she had been working on. "How's it going?"

Amelia looked up, offering a small smile. "It's going well. I've been working on this puzzle. It helps to keep my mind off everything."

Taylor smiled, walking over and sitting beside her. "That's great. I'm glad you found something that helps."

Amelia nodded, though her eyes betrayed a hint of lingering anxiety. "It's just sometimes hard to forget about the crowd out there."

Taylor reached out, giving Amelia's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "I know, sweetheart. That's why I'm so glad Tree's here with you. She's really good at making sure everything stays calm and comfortable for you."

Tree, who had been organizing some last-minute details, glanced over and gave a warm smile. "Everything's set for tonight. If you need anything, Amelia, just let me know."

"Thanks, Tree," Amelia replied, appreciating the offer. "I think I'm all set. Just need to keep my focus on this puzzle."

Taylor chuckled softly. "Well, I'm glad you're finding ways to stay busy. I'll be out there soon, but I promise to check in whenever I can."

As the time for the concert drew nearer, Taylor had to leave to start her pre-show routine. She leaned in, giving Amelia a quick, comforting hug. "I'll see you soon. Enjoy the puzzle, okay?"

Amelia hugged her back tightly. "Good luck out there."

Taylor gave her a final, reassuring smile before heading towards the stage. The familiar nerves and excitement began to build in her as she walked through the backstage corridors, but she felt a sense of calm knowing Amelia was safe and content.

As the concert progressed, Amelia found solace in the routine backstage. Tree was a calming presence, chatting with Amelia about various topics and ensuring she was comfortable. The backstage crew, aware of Amelia's situation, respected her space and kept their voices low, creating an atmosphere of peace.

With each passing song, Amelia's anxiety seemed to fade a bit more. The puzzle became a source of comfort, and the knowledge that Taylor was performing her heart out for her fans provided a sense of pride.

When the concert ended, Taylor returned backstage, her face glowing with the satisfaction of a successful performance. She found Amelia in the same spot, still working on the puzzle.

"How did it go?" Amelia asked, looking up as Taylor approached.

"It was amazing," Taylor said, her eyes bright. "The crowd was incredible, and the energy was off the charts. But I'm so glad to see you here, safe and sound."

Amelia smiled, feeling a surge of relief at Taylor's words. "I'm glad I stayed back here. It was a lot easier to handle."

Taylor sat beside her, wrapping an arm around Amelia's shoulders. "That's exactly why we decided to do this. I want you to feel comfortable and safe while you're here."

The two sat in companionable silence, the buzz of the concert slowly winding down outside. Taylor's presence was a soothing balm for Amelia, and she found comfort in the simple act of being close to her.

As they packed up for the night, Taylor and Amelia shared a quiet moment of reflection. The concert had been a success, and while Amelia's journey was still ongoing, the support and understanding she received made it a little bit easier to face each day.

"Thank you for being here," Amelia said softly, looking up at Taylor.

"Of course," Taylor replied, her voice filled with warmth. "We're in this together. And as long as we're together, we can handle anything."

With that, they left the green room, ready to face whatever came next, united by their bond and the understanding that they could navigate any challenge as long as they had each other.

This Is Amelia Trying- A Tayvis StoryWhere stories live. Discover now