Chapter 13

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Travis held Amelia's hand as he drove back to the house. He pulled up to the front door, got out, grabbed Amelia's bag and went to walk inside. He looked back and realised Amelia wasn't getting out. He placed her bag next to the door and walked back to the car. He braced himself before opening her door. "Amelia..." he spoke he could tell how much she had been hurt. He spoke once again in a soft tone, "Amelia, I know you're scared but everything is going to be okay." She didn't respond but instead squinted her eyes letting more tears flow out. Travis didn't say another word but instead brought her in for a hug as he held her tightly. He spoke after a few minutes still holding her tightly. "Let it out Amelia, it's okay to cry." He rubbed her back as she cried loudly into his back.

After a few moments he slowly brought her out of the hug still holding her arms to show to her that he wasn't going anywhere. "How about we go inside, it's freezing out here. You'll end up getting sick." She nodded slowly as Travis helped her get out of the car and brought her inside.

The house was quiet and dark, he assumed Taylor had made her way up to bed. He led Amelia upstairs. When he saw James in Amelia's room he quickly but gently moved her into the other room with Inez. He got Amelia comfortable in bed and went to walk out. "Travis..." she spoke, Travis could hear the scared undertone in her voice. He turned around stopping him from walking out. "Could you stay please. I don't want to be alone?" She asked. Without saying a word  Travis walked to the other side of the bed and got into bed. As he laid down next to Amelia she made her way over to him and cuddled into his chest making herself comfortable. Travis returned the embrace by putting his arm around her back letting her cuddle in more.

After back an hour or two. Amelia was fast asleep so Travis made his way out the room to go get himself ready for bed.

He made his way into Taylor's bedroom, the tv was on and Taylor was in bed on her phone."I didn't expect you to come back." She said looking up from her phone. "I was always gonna come back." Travis said going into the drawers to find a bed shirt. "So where did you go?" Taylor asked as Travis went into the bathroom. "Out." Travis answered he didn't want to get into an argument about Amelia. "Travis, where did you go?" Taylor persisted as Travis jumped into bed and plugged his phone into charge. "I went to get Amelia. She's back in the spare room asleep." Travis said before switching off the lamp on his side, and turned away from Taylor to try and end the conversation. "You are serious?!?" Taylor said trying to stay quiet to not wake the girls up. "I told you I didn't want her here. Not after what she did to James that wasn't fair." "Yeah because James slapping her in the face is so fair!" Travis snapped back as he turned his light back on. "What are you talking about?" She asked. "Yeah that's why Amelia yelled at her. To be honest I don't know James but considering everything Amelia has been through I don't blame her." Travis answered her. Taylor sighed knowing she had messed up. "Tay you know first hand what she is going through. You know it's not easy for her." Taylor was ashamed of herself she shouldn't has jumped to conclusions. "I've really fucked up haven't I?"she asked. "Yeah you did." Travis said. "Tay maybe she wasn't ready to have other people around. We can't do anything about it now but maybe we keep that in mind." Taylor nodded and turned off the lamp on her side to go to sleep.

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