Chapter 86

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By the time Taylor, Travis, and Amelia had settled back into life in LA, the holidays were upon them. The bustling city, which had always felt like a whirlwind of activity, now seemed even more alive with festive decorations and holiday cheer. It was their first Christmas together in LA, and Taylor was determined to make it special.

This year, Taylor and Travis had decided to host Christmas at their home. The house, nestled in a quiet neighborhood, was transformed into a winter wonderland, with twinkling lights adorning the exterior and a towering tree standing proudly in the living room, decorated with an array of ornaments that told the story of their lives and the memories they had created together.

The guest list was a blend of their families, each bringing their unique traditions and warmth to the celebration. Travis's parents, Ed and Donna, were the first to arrive, their Midwestern charm filling the house with laughter. Taylor's parents, Andrea and Scott, followed soon after, their arrival bringing a sense of nostalgia and comfort that only family could provide. Taylor's brother, Austin, arrived with his girlfriend Sydney and their six-month-old daughter, Taylor, who was the spitting image of her aunt and the star of the holiday season.

Finally, Jason and Kylie walked through the door, their three children—Wyatt, Ellie, and Bennett—bounding in with excitement. The house was soon filled with the sounds of children's laughter, the scent of pine and cinnamon, and the soft hum of Christmas carols playing in the background.

Amelia watched the scene unfold from the staircase, her heart swelling with a mix of emotions. She had always loved Christmas, but this year felt different. It wasn't just about the presents or the decorations; it was about family, about finding a place where she belonged.

"Hey, you," Taylor called from the kitchen, where she was busy preparing the final touches for dinner. "Are you going to stay up there all day, or are you going to come down and join us?"

Amelia smiled, making her way down the stairs. "I'm coming, I'm coming."

As she entered the kitchen, she was greeted by the sight of Travis and Jason wrestling with a turkey that seemed almost too big for the oven, while Kylie and Andrea were arranging the dishes on the table. Ed was sitting on the couch, regaling Austin with stories from Travis's childhood, much to the amusement of Sydney, who was bouncing baby Taylor on her knee.

"Here, taste this," Taylor said, holding out a spoonful of mashed potatoes for Amelia to try.

Amelia took a bite and nodded enthusiastically. "Perfect."

Taylor smiled, wiping her hands on her apron. "Good. Now, why don't you help me with the gravy?"

The day passed in a blur of laughter, stories, and the joy that comes from being surrounded by loved ones. As dinner was served, the table was filled with delicious food and even better company. They shared memories, jokes, and the occasional playful jab, the kind that only family could give.

Amelia found herself seated between Travis and Donna, who had taken a special liking to her. As they ate, Donna shared stories about Christmases past, filling Amelia's heart with warmth. Despite the differences in their backgrounds, there was a sense of unity, of coming together as one big, extended family.

After dinner, they gathered around the tree to exchange gifts. The children, of course, were the most excited, tearing through wrapping paper with gleeful abandon. Wyatt, Ellie, and Bennett were thrilled with their new toys, while baby Taylor cooed happily at the sight of her brightly colored presents.

When it was Amelia's turn, she hesitated for a moment, her fingers tracing the edges of the small box in her hands. It was from Taylor and Travis, and she couldn't help but wonder what they had chosen for her. With everyone watching, she carefully unwrapped the gift to reveal a delicate silver bracelet, each charm representing a milestone or memory they had shared over the past year.

"Do you like it?" Taylor asked, her voice soft with anticipation.

Amelia looked up, tears welling in her eyes. "I love it," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

Taylor and Travis exchanged a knowing smile, and in that moment, Amelia knew that no matter what had happened in the past, she was loved and accepted here. This was her family, and this was her home.

As the night drew to a close, the children were tucked into bed, their dreams undoubtedly filled with the magic of the day. The adults gathered in the living room, sipping on hot cocoa and reflecting on the day's events.

"This was perfect," Andrea said, her voice full of contentment. "Thank you for hosting, Taylor."

Taylor leaned back into the couch, a soft smile playing on her lips. "It was my pleasure. I'm just glad we could all be together."

Travis wrapped an arm around Taylor, pulling her close. "Here's to many more Christmases like this," he said, raising his mug in a toast.

"To family," Scott added, raising his own mug.

"To family," everyone echoed, their voices filled with love and gratitude.

As Amelia snuggled into the warmth of the blankets that night, she couldn't help but smile. The tension from the last few months had melted away, replaced by the comfort of knowing that she was surrounded by people who cared about her. Christmas had always been a time for miracles, and this year, the miracle was finding a place where she truly belonged.

As she drifted off to sleep, the sounds of laughter and joy still echoing in her ears, Amelia knew that this was a Christmas she would never forget.

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