Chapter 82

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Amelia woke up with a renewed sense of purpose. The previous day's events had weighed heavily on her, and she knew she needed to make things right. Wyatt's tearful face had been on her mind all night, and she couldn't shake the guilt she felt for unintentionally hurting her little cousin. Today, she decided, would be about family.

After breakfast, Amelia pulled out her phone and sent a quick text to Logan. "Hey, I might just have a family day tomorrow."

Logan's response was quick and understanding. "No worries. We've got the whole three weeks to hang out. Enjoy your day with them!"

Amelia felt a wave of relief. Logan's support made it easier to focus on what she needed to do. She put her phone away and headed downstairs, where the house was already buzzing with activity. The younger kids were playing in the living room, their laughter echoing through the house.

Wyatt, Ellie, Inez, Betty, and little Sterling were huddled together, clearly waiting for Amelia. As soon as they saw her, their faces lit up with excitement.

"Amelia! Amelia! Can we play with you today?" Wyatt asked, her eyes shining with hope.

Amelia smiled warmly at the eager group. "Of course! What do you guys want to do?"

The kids exchanged excited glances, and soon they were all shouting out suggestions—dolls, hide and seek, building a fort. Amelia laughed, overwhelmed by their enthusiasm. "How about we do all of it?" she suggested.

The morning flew by in a blur of activity. Amelia threw herself into playing with the kids, making sure each one of them felt included. They built an elaborate fort in the living room, complete with tunnels and secret rooms. Wyatt and Ellie took turns being the queens of the fort, while Inez and Betty were the brave knights defending it. Sterling, the youngest of the group, was content to play with her dolls inside the fort, giggling as Amelia joined her for a tea party.

It wasn't until lunchtime that the group finally paused, their energy levels dropping as they realized how hungry they were. Taylor, who had been watching them from the kitchen, couldn't help but smile at the sight of Amelia surrounded by the little ones.

"You've got your hands full today, don't you?" Taylor teased as she helped set the table.

Amelia grinned, feeling the warmth of family around her. "It's actually been really fun. I didn't realize how much I missed spending time with them."

As they ate, the conversation shifted to plans for the afternoon. The sun was shining brightly outside, and the beach was calling their names.

"Beach day!" Wyatt announced, her excitement contagious. The other kids quickly agreed, their eyes lighting up at the idea of playing in the sand and splashing in the waves.

After lunch, the whole group got ready to hit the beach. Amelia made sure everyone had their swimsuits on, sunscreen applied, and towels packed. As they made their way down to the shore, she couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. It was one of those rare moments when everything felt just right.

The beach was as beautiful as ever, the waves gently lapping against the shore. The kids wasted no time, running toward the water with shrieks of joy. Amelia followed, making sure to keep an eye on each of them as they played.

Despite being on the beach, Logan kept his distance, respecting Amelia's need for space with her family. He waved when he saw her, a small smile on his face, but didn't approach. Amelia appreciated the gesture—it showed that he understood how important this day was to her.

The afternoon passed in a blur of laughter and sandcastles. Wyatt and Ellie competed to see who could build the tallest tower, while Inez and Betty collected seashells along the shore. Sterling, with Amelia's help, dug a hole big enough to sit in, giggling as the waves washed over her feet.

At one point, James joined Amelia by the water, the two of them standing side by side as they watched the younger kids play.

"I'm glad you decided to spend the day with us," James said, her voice warm with appreciation.

"Me too," Amelia replied, her gaze focused on the horizon. "I didn't realize how much they needed it—or how much I did."

James smiled, understanding the unspoken weight of Amelia's words. "It's easy to get caught up in everything else. But family is always worth it."

Amelia nodded, feeling a deep sense of connection with her cousin. The day had been a reminder of what really mattered, and she was grateful for it.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the beach, Amelia gathered the kids together for one last game of tag. Their laughter echoed across the shore, a perfect end to a perfect day.

When they finally made their way back to the house, tired but happy, Amelia felt a sense of peace she hadn't felt in a long time. She had spent the day surrounded by the people she loved, and it had reminded her of the importance of family, of the bonds that held them all together.

Later that evening, as the house quieted down and everyone started to drift off to sleep, Amelia sent Logan a quick text. "Thanks for understanding today. It was just what I needed."

His reply was simple but sincere. "Anytime. Family comes first."

Amelia smiled as she read his words, feeling content as she settled into bed. Today had been about reconnecting, about reminding herself of the things that truly mattered. And as she drifted off to sleep, she knew she'd carry that feeling with her into the days ahead.

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