Chapter 57

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Amelia found herself laughing as she chased Wyatt and Betty around the backyard. The two younger kids squealed with delight, their giggles contagious as they darted in and out of the trees, trying to escape her grasp. James and Inez were busy building a makeshift fort nearby, using old blankets and cushions they had found in the house, while Ellie and Sabrina were absorbed in a game of pretend, acting out an elaborate adventure involving pirates and buried treasure.

For the first time in a long while, Amelia felt a sense of lightness she hadn't experienced in months. The worries and anxieties that had been clouding her thoughts seemed to dissipate in the warmth of the afternoon sun. Despite the age difference between her and the younger kids, it didn't seem to matter—they all just wanted to play, to have fun, and to include her in their world of imagination and games.

As she caught up to Betty, scooping the four-year-old into her arms, Amelia couldn't help but smile at how natural it all felt. Betty shrieked with joy, wrapping her tiny arms around Amelia's neck as they spun in circles. The sound of her laughter filled the air, and soon Wyatt was at their side, tugging at Amelia's hand, demanding his turn to be lifted and spun.

Nearby, Taylor, Kylie, and Blake watched the scene unfold, their hearts swelling with warmth as they observed their children playing together. Taylor leaned against the porch railing, a soft smile on her lips as she took in the sight of Amelia finally letting go, enjoying herself without a care in the world.

"She's really come a long way," Kylie remarked, her voice filled with quiet admiration.

Blake nodded in agreement, her eyes following Amelia as she set Betty down and started a new game of tag with Wyatt. "It's amazing to see her like this," she said. "I know it's been tough for her, but it looks like she's finally starting to find her place."

Taylor's smile deepened as she watched Amelia's carefree movements. "I think she's starting to feel like she belongs," she said softly. "It doesn't matter that she's older—right now, she's just another kid having fun. That's all she's ever wanted."

Kylie placed a comforting hand on Taylor's shoulder. "She's lucky to have you, Taylor. You've given her a safe place to heal."

Taylor looked over at Kylie, her eyes filled with gratitude. "We've all been there for her. And I think she's starting to realize that she's not alone in this."

The three women stood there for a moment longer, simply watching as Amelia ran and played with the other kids, her laughter blending seamlessly with theirs. It was a beautiful sight, one that filled their hearts with hope for the future.

Amelia, meanwhile, was completely absorbed in the moment, her worries forgotten as she played with the kids. She was older, yes, but that didn't matter. Right now, all that mattered was the joy she felt, the connections she was forming, and the knowledge that she was surrounded by people who cared about her—people who had become her family.

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