Chapter 1

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March 2023

The eras tour was just beginning. 13 year old Amelia watched in complete shock as Taylor closed the very first concert of her new tour. "That was incredible Tay!" Amelia praised her as they made their way into her dressing room. "Best tour yet!" "You really think so?" "Yes of course!" Taylor hugged her for her compliment. "Hey kiddo let's head back to the hotel it's getting late." Joe said to Amelia.

Later back at the hotel, Joe had settled Amelia down for the night when Taylor came through the door. "Hey handsome." She smirked. "Taylor I don't want to go there tonight." Joe said almost annoyed. "Babe, what's wrong?" Taylor asked. "Why didn't you tell me about security keeping us in the VIP tent?" "I didn't know they were so strict on you guys." "I felt trapped Taylor. I think it's better if Amelia and I head home for the next few cities." "Come on Joe, I'll talk to security. Are you seriously going to ruin her time on tour?" "DO NOT TELL ME HOW TO PARENT MY KID." Joe yelled waking up Amelia. "What's going on?" Amelia came out of her room. "Amelia pack your bags we are leaving." "What why?" Amelia asked confused. "AMELIA DONT ARGUE WITH ME! we are going home I do not wanna hear another word." Joe said packing his bags. "Joe don't do this, it's nearly one am. Just stay for tonight, I'll sleep with her." "I'm not staying here. Taylor I think it might be best if we break up." "Joe where is this coming from. We can get past this if you just talk to me." "Taylor I can't I've gotta think about what's best for her." Joe said before going to pack his things. Taylor sat in the living room crying.

She walked out going to her mom's room. Amelia followed her. "Taylor please don't let him take me I wanna stay." She said crying grabbed onto Taylor's hip. "I'm sorry honey, he's your dad. You have to go." "I don't want too." She cried into Taylor's chest. "I know honey I'm sorry. Hey you have my number don't be afraid to call me if you ever need anything." "Amelia we need to go." Joe came out into the hallway. "Taylor please." She pleaded. "I'm sorry, I love you." She said as Joe grabbed Amelia and pulled her down the hallway. "TAYLOR, TAYLOR PLEASE!" She screamed.

Taylor cried as her mother came out. "What's going on?" "Joe and I just broke up." Taylor cried.

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