Chapter 11

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Taylor walked into the living room to where Travis was sitting. "She not staying?" He asked. "No, but we are going to be having James and Inez over tonight." Taylor answered him. "Why?" "Her and Ryan have an overnight appointment with Betty in the city." Taylor explained. "Is it the best idea to have people over when Amelia is like this, it might overwhelm her?" Travis expresses his concerns. "I thought it might give her a bit of time not to think about the situation. She needs to get out of her head." "I think maybe go talk to her give her a heads up." Taylor nodded the made her way up stairs.

She made her way to Amelia's room. She stopped when she heard talking coming from the room, it sounded like Amelia was on the phone. "I can't do it anymore." She cried. "She wants me to go talk to someone. I wish you were here." "You can't be seriously agreeing with her. Maya I called you so you could tell me I wasn't crazy." Amelia said sounded defensive.

Taylor knocked on the door and opened it. "I'll call you back Maya." Amelia said before she hung up the phone. Amelia wiped her tears as she waited for Taylor to start talking. "Hey so we are gonna have some people come over to sleep tonight, is that fine with you?" She asked, "Yeah I guess, it's your house. Who is it?" Amelia said. "James and Inez. Blake came and asked but it's no to late to say no if you don't want them to come here." "I don't care." "Are you sure? I don't want you to be uncomfortable." Taylor questioned her aware of the situation. "I said I don't care it's fine. Do whatever you want." She snapped she didn't care about them, she just wanted to be alone. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap. It's fine really, I just want to be alone right now." Amelia apologised. Taylor nodded and listened to her request.

A few hours later around 3:30 Blake, Ryan and the girls showed up. "Thanks again Tay." Blake smiled giving Taylor a hug. "No problem, we are more than happy to have them here." Taylor smiled. "And are you sure she is fine with it?" Blake asked talking about Amelia. "Yeah she said she was, but she will probably keep her distance. But then again she's doing that with us too." "As long as you're sure." "Blake it's fine. She'll be fine." Taylor reassured her. "Ok then. You girls be good for Aunty Tay and Travis please." Blake said giving each of the girls a hug and a kiss. "We will be." The girls said in unison as they walked out.

"I'm gonna get started on dinner prep." Taylor walked into the kitchen with the girls behind her. "Hey Aunty Tay, can I go bring my stuff up stairs." James asked. "Yeah that's fine James, the bed is made up ready for yous." Taylor smiled as she got the vegetables out for dinner.

James made her way up the stairs and into Amelia's room as it was the room she normally slept in when she came for a sleepover. When she opened the door she was confused, "who are you?" She asked, her and Amelia had met once or twice but the last time they did see each other was almost 5 years ago when James was 4 so she didn't remember who she was. "I'm Amelia?" Amelia was confused also she knew James she didn't take into account that James didn't remember her. "What are you doing in my room?" James snapped. "This is my room. Taylor said it was fine for me to stay here." "Well this is my room when I'm here so get out!" James turned mean. "No! I'm not leaving." Amelia said as James slapped her. "You're a bitch!" Amelia looked away, she hadn't been hit since Joe. She was now angry. "GET THE FUCK OUT!!!" She screamed, James flinched and left the room crying.

James went running into Taylor's arms. "James what happened?" She asked bending down to her level. "That girl she... she yelled at me for no reason." She cried into Taylor's shoulder. Taylor picked me up and held her tight as she looked at Travis confused. "I'll go talk to her Tay." Travis got off the sofa. Taylor nodded as he left.

Travis got to the door and heard crying loudly. "Amelia..." he said as he knocked on the door. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Amelia screamed crying during her speaking. "Amelia let me in." Travis said as he tried to open the door and quickly realised she was in front of the door. Travis pushed the door open shoving her out of the way. "Amelia.." he spoke in a disappointed tone. Amelia curled herself into a ball on the floor shaking as she kept her head down. "Amelia if you weren't okay with them being here you should've said something..." Amelia didn't speak so Travis continued, "what's going on? We knowing you are scared about going to talk to someone but you don't need to talk it out on them, they didn't do anything." Travis tried to put his hand on Amelia's knee to offer support. "GET OFF ME!!!" She moved away. "Amelia I know your scared but..." Travis started talking calmly but got cut off. "You have no idea how I feel! Neither of you do!! Just leave me alone!" She claimed with rage tears in her eyes."No I'm not going to leave you alone until you talk to me." He persisted. "You can either talk to me now or I can sit here until you talk to me, it's your choice." Amelia went to get up and walk out. Travis grabbed her hand gently, "sit back down! You're not going anywhere." He said. She sat back down but turned completely away from him.

The room was silent. She wouldn't look or say a word to him. Taylor walked into the room about an hour later. "Dinner is ready." She said to them. Travis got up but Amelia stayed put. "Amelia I said dinner is ready, hop up." Taylor said getting annoyed. "I'm not eating." Amelia said quietly. "What did you just say, I didn't hear you?" "I'm not eating." She repeated herself just loud enough for them to hear her. "What do you mean you're not eating?" Taylor asked more annoyed this time. "I said I'm not eating." Amelia said bluntly. Taylor took a deep breath, told Travis to go downstairs, shut the door and sat down facing her. "Amelia." She said in a serious tone, "we've talked about this." "I don't care!" Taylor took another deep breath before speaking, "Amelia, I have tried to be really patient with you. I've tried being sympathetic but enough is enough! You are going downstairs and you are eating your food. I don't care if I have to drag you down there myself!" Taylor said strictly. "No!" Amelia simply said. "Amelia! Do not embarrass yourself!" "I don't care what you say, it won't make me eat!" She snapped back. "GET YOUR FUCKING ASS DOWNSTAIRS RIGHT NOW MISSY!!! I AM DONE BEING SYMPATHETIC WITH YOU!!! AND YOU ARE GOING TO THE DOCTOR TOMORROW!!!" Taylor screamed, Amelia had officially pushed her buttons. "You can't make me!" Amelia cried. "THEN GO BACK TO YOUR OWN HOUSE!!! AND GET OUT OF MINE!! MY LAST STRAW WAS YOU HAVING A GO AT JAMES FOR NO REASON!!!! MY HOUSE MY RULES AMELIA DONT LIKE THEM GET THE FUCK OUT!!!" "I WAS WRONG TO REACH OUT TO YOU FOR HELP!! YOU DONT CARE ABOUT ME!! YOU ARE JUST A RICH STUCK UP LADY!!!!" "AMELIA GET OUT!!!!" Taylor said pointing towards the door. Amelia grabbed her things and left.

"Hey where are you going Amelia?" Travis asked her as she slammed the front door behind her. "Let her go Trav." Taylor came and sat down. "Taylor." "Don't Taylor me Trav, I tried to be patient with her." "Where is she gonna go?" Travis asked her. "I don't know and quite honestly I don't care." Travis didn't speak back nothing he would have said would've changed her mind.

Taylor came back down from putting the girls to bed. Travis was on the sofa on his phone tracking Amelia's location. When he was worried about her he hid a tracker in her bag. Travis looked mad and Taylor noticed. "What?" Taylor questioned him. "I can't believe you let her leave. Who knows what will happen to her." Travis voiced his frustration. "I don't care." Taylor said bluntly. "But you do care Tay. You wouldn't have let her stay if you didn't care." "Travis I'm done trying to help her, she just wants to be difficult." "Taylor do you even realise what you're saying? It's clear she has an eating disorder of course it's not gonna be easy for her to eat. All she needed was us to be patient and a bit more understanding. She's only a teenager, she still trying to process this situation." Travis said before walking out. "Where are you going?" Taylor asked. "Out." He said before leaving.

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