Chapter 84

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The days at the Rhode Island beach house had once been filled with laughter, waves crashing on the shore, and the endless freedom of summer. But for Amelia and James, those days had come to an abrupt halt. The bonfire incident had cast a shadow over the remainder of their time at the beach, and the consequences were far more severe than either of them had anticipated.

Amelia and James found themselves banned from everything they loved about the beach. No more lazy afternoons in the sun, no more splashing in the ocean, and no more late-night bonfires under the stars. Instead, they spent their days confined to the house, their only escape the back deck where they could sit and watch the others enjoy the summer without them.

Taylor, Blake, Travis, and Ryan were firm in their decision. The girls had broken their trust, and there was no room for leniency. It wasn't just about sneaking out to the beach that night; it was about the lies and the recklessness that had followed. The adults agreed that Amelia, being the older of the two, should have known better, and they hoped that this punishment would teach her a valuable lesson.

For Amelia, the punishment was unbearable. She had always loved the beach, and now it felt like she was being cut off from a part of herself. She tried to fill her time with books and music, but nothing could replace the feeling of sand between her toes or the sound of waves lapping at the shore. The freedom that had defined her summer was gone, replaced by a sense of isolation and regret.

James, too, struggled with the consequences. She was younger and less accustomed to such strict discipline, and the days seemed to drag on endlessly without the joy of playing in the water or building sandcastles. She missed Owen, and though Amelia tried to comfort her, there was little she could do to ease the sting of their punishment.

The rest of the household carried on as usual. The younger kids played in the pool, the adults chatted over coffee and meals, and life at the beach house moved forward. But there was a noticeable gap where Amelia and James's laughter had once been.

As the summer drew to a close, the atmosphere in the house began to shift. The carefree days were giving way to the reality of what lay ahead. Taylor, Travis, and Amelia would soon be leaving to continue the Eras Tour, and the excitement of the journey was tinged with the sadness of saying goodbye to the beach.

On their last night at the beach house, Amelia stood on the back deck, staring out at the ocean. The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden glow over the water. She could hear the distant sound of the waves, and it made her heart ache. She had spent so many happy moments here, and now it felt like she was leaving with unfinished business, with regrets.

James joined her, leaning on the railing. "Do you think we'll ever come back?" she asked, her voice soft and wistful.

Amelia shrugged, her eyes never leaving the horizon. "Maybe. But it won't be the same."

They stood in silence for a moment, both lost in their thoughts. Amelia knew that the summer had changed her. She had learned a hard lesson about trust and responsibility, and though it had been painful, she hoped it would make her stronger.

As the last light of day faded, they turned and went inside. The house was quiet, everyone else already preparing for the journey ahead. Amelia and James knew that the next chapter of their lives was about to begin, one filled with the excitement of the tour but also with the challenges that came with it.

The morning came quickly, and the beach house was abuzz with activity as everyone packed up and prepared to leave. There were hugs and farewells, promises to keep in touch, and the bittersweet feeling of closing one chapter and opening another.

Amelia stood by the car, watching as the house slowly emptied. Taylor came up beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Ready to go?" Taylor asked gently.

Amelia nodded, but there was a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Yeah, I'm ready."

As they drove away from the beach house, Amelia looked back one last time. The memories of the summer, both good and bad, would stay with her. But now it was time to focus on the future, on the tour, and on the lessons she had learned.

The road ahead was uncertain, but Amelia knew one thing for sure—she was going to make the most of it.

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