Chapter 29

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Amelia sat on the stairs, hugging her knees tightly to her chest. From her position, she could hear Taylor and Travis in the kitchen, their voices muffled but still clear enough for her to catch the important parts.

"I just don't know if we'll have enough time for everything," Travis said, his voice edged with worry. "The Eras Tour picks back up in February, and if Amelia wants to go through with the legal battle... it's going to take a lot. You won't be around for most of it."

Taylor sighed. "I know, Travis. But this is her life, her future. I can't just..." Her voice cracked with emotion. "I can't leave her to face this alone, even if it's hard. But we have to think about what's best for her right now. Not just in court, but mentally."

Amelia felt a tight knot in her stomach. They were talking about her, worrying about her. She thought back to when she was younger—when Taylor brought her to the studio. She remembered the excitement of being there, the magic of hearing those songs come to life, like 'August' and 'You're On Your Own, Kid.' Taylor had always made her feel like she mattered, and now she was putting her entire tour on the line for her.

But this wasn't just about her. The tour was important to Taylor too, and to millions of fans. Amelia wiped away a tear as guilt washed over her. She knew Taylor had worked tirelessly for the Eras Tour, and so many people were waiting for it to resume next year. Could she really ask Taylor to sacrifice that for her?

Amelia took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. She didn't want to be the reason Taylor had to choose between her and her career. Slowly, she stood up and made her way into the kitchen.

Taylor and Travis looked up as she walked in, both of them surprised to see her..

"Amelia," Taylor began softly, taking a seat beside her. "We've been worried about you. How are you feeling today?"

Amelia met Taylor's gaze, her eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and sorrow. "I've been thinking a lot about our conversation," she said quietly. "I overheard you and Travis talking about the Eras Tour and how a legal battle might pull you away from supporting me. I felt guilty because I know how important this tour is to you and your fans."

Travis reached out, placing a reassuring hand on Amelia's shoulder. "We just want what's best for you, Amelia. We want to make sure you're safe and supported, no matter what you choose."

Amelia nodded, her resolve strengthening. "I've made a decision. I want to go ahead with the protection order now. I don't want to put any more stress on you or interfere with the tour. I can revisit the idea of a legal battle after the Eras Tour finishes next December."

Taylor squeezed Amelia's hand gently, her eyes misting over with emotion. "Are you sure? This is a big step, and I want you to be certain it's what you want."

Amelia took another deep breath, feeling the weight of her choice lighten slightly. "I'm sure. The protection order will give me the immediate safety I need without disrupting your life and career right now. I can handle the legal battle later, when things are a bit more settled."

Travis gave a supportive smile. "That sounds like a thoughtful decision, Amelia. We can start the process for the protection order today, and we'll be here to support you every step of the way."

Taylor leaned in, her voice filled with warmth and assurance. "We're proud of you for making this decision, Amelia. It takes a lot of courage to prioritize your safety while also considering the impact on those you care about."

Amelia felt a surge of relief and gratitude. "Thank you both for understanding and supporting me. I don't know what I'd do without you."

As they began to discuss the logistics of filing the protection order, a sense of calm settled over the room. The decision wasn't easy, but it was the right one for Amelia at this time. She knew that by choosing this path, she was taking control of her life while also honoring the bond she shared with Taylor and Travis.

Later that day, Taylor and Travis helped Amelia prepare the necessary documents. The process was straightforward, but the emotional weight of each signature was undeniable. As they worked together, the room was filled with a sense of unity and determination.

After everything was filed, they took a moment to breathe. Taylor pulled Amelia into a hug, whispering words of encouragement and love. Travis gave her a supportive pat on the back, his eyes reflecting pride and concern.

As evening approached, the three of them sat down for dinner, the atmosphere lighter but still tinged with the gravity of the day's events. They talked about the upcoming tour, sharing stories and laughter that helped ease the tension.

Before bed, Taylor and Travis helped Amelia settle into her room, ensuring she felt safe and comfortable. As they bid her goodnight, Taylor lingered, her voice soft and sincere. "Remember, Amelia, we're always here for you. Whatever you need, whenever you need it."

Amelia smiled, feeling the truth in Taylor's words. "Thank you, both of you. I'm so grateful to have you in my life."

As she drifted off to sleep, Amelia felt a sense of peace she hadn't felt in a long time. The road ahead was still uncertain, but with the protection order in place and the unwavering support of Taylor and Travis, she felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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