Chapter 8

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"We will see you guys soon." Jason smiled as him and Wyatt walked out the front door. Taylor and Travis smiled waving them off.

Taylor went to the kitchen to start getting dinner sorted. "Are you gonna go talk to her?" Travis asked he could tell Taylor wasn't happy with the way Amelia talked to her earlier. "Nope, she knows I'm here if she decides to stop being silly." Taylor said still half pissed off. "Come on Tay you know what she's been through, it can't be easy for her to open up." Travis said trying to keep the peace.

Amelia made her way downstairs when she heard Jason and Wyatt leaving. She stopped walking when she heard Taylor and Travis talking about her. "No Trav she came here to get help and now that she's here she doesn't want it." She heard Taylor say she sounded angry. "Taylor she's been abused, we know he was hitting her but who knows what else he's done. She might never be ready to talk about it but we can't just kick her out she's got no where else to go." She smiled as Travis spoke she realised he actually cared. "Look Travis maybe this was a mistake. She clearly is just staying here to hide from Joe because she knows he won't get in unless I invite him in." Amelia scuffed that couldn't be further from the truth.

With tears of rage Amelia ran up to the guest room and started packing her things. She didn't feel she should stay if that's how Taylor felt. After about an hour Travis came knocking on the guest bedroom door coming to tell Amelia that dinner was ready. "What's going on?" He said as he saw Amelia's bag packed. "I'm leaving." Amelia said as she put her shoes on. "Why?" He asked but Amelia just walked past him with her bag in her hand. "Amelia. What's wrong?" He called out as Amelia walked down the stairs. When Taylor heard the commotion she came to the stairs. Amelia rushed pass her keeping her head down as she cried. "Meals what's wrong? Why are you trying to leave?" Taylor asked but she was too ashamed to speak she could feel herself about to break down. "Amelia, don't be silly, talk to me." Taylor grabbed her hand. "GET OFF ME!!" Amelia shouted as she ran out the door. Taylor and Travis followed her.

She made her way out to the street and began to walk down the sidewalk. Taylor told Travis to stay behind as she tried to talk to her. Taylor ran after her. "Meals stop talk to me." "Why should I you don't want me here!" Amelia claimed as tears came flowing out. "What?!?" "Taylor don't play dumb I heard you and Travis talking if you didn't want me here you could have told me to fuck off. I'm used to it." Amelia was done trying to rely on someone that didn't want her around. "Amelia you don't need to leave okay I'm sorry you weren't meant to hear that." "No shit I wasn't meant to hear that, but I did. I know where you stand, you don't want me here so I won't waste anymore of your time." Amelia cried. "Amelia stop it, come back inside. You're still weak it's dangerous for you to be out on the streets." "No, I don't need help I'm fine. I don't need your pitty I've done just fine on my own." Amelia said, she needed help but she felt so cornered she didn't want to accept help. "Amelia no." Taylor grabbed her. "You're coming back inside." Taylor said picking up off the ground. "PUT ME DOWN!!" Amelia demanded. Taylor didn't speak but kept walking towards the house.

When they were inside Taylor took her upstairs as she screamed for Taylor to put her down. Taylor put her back in the space room. Amelia had used all her energy trying to get away from her that she'd completely given up and sat down on the bed. Without saying a word Taylor walked out of the room, closed the door and locked it. Amelia quickly realised what Taylor had done and ran to the door. "TAYLOR LET ME OUT!!" She banged on the door. "No meals not until you calm down."  Taylor tried her hardest to stay strong. She knew Amelia was angry at her, but she needed to know that she was gonna be safe, locking her in was her only option.

A few hours went by, Amelia was still in distress banging on the door every few minutes. Taylor was in tears in Travis's arms, she hated this almost as much as Amelia but Amelia needed to calm down. "I HATE YOU. I COULD BRING YOU TO COURT FOR KIDNAPPING!" Amelia threatened as Taylor flinched. "Tay don't worry about that, she's just angry she needs to realise we are doing this to help her."  Travis tried words of encouragement to keep Taylor purpose for doing this clear. "I WISH I NEVER TRUSTED YOU!!!" Amelia hit the door. They were surprised she hadn't broken the door down by now.

After a couple more hours it was midnight. Taylor had went to get ready for bed as Travis stayed at Amelia's door. She had stopped hitting the door or trying to protest with them but instead Travis could hear her crying loudly. He could tell she was in pain, not physically but mentally. She was confused. The weakness taking over her body was making her not be able to think clearly.

Eventually he went to join Taylor in the master bedroom. "She's still crying but I think she is starting to calm down." He said as he sat down next to Taylor. "I feel so guilty, I should have known she would listen in. I'm supposed to be the person she feels safe with not the person she feels anything but safe with. She came to me for help and I let her down." Taylor cried into Travis chest as he cuddled her in bed. "How about we give her the night to calm down. We can keep the door locked so we know she won't try and run. Look I hate that it's come to this Taylor but we need to do this it's the only way we know she will be safe." Taylor nodded and settled down into Travis's chest as she fell asleep.

Taylor woke up at about 3am, Travis was fast asleep. She got up and made her way down the hall. She made it to the spare room, unlocked the door and walked in. She found Amelia on the floor asleep, it looked like she had been crying for hours on end. Taylor gently picked her up, placed her in the bed and laid down next to her. "I'm so sorry meals." She said gently brushing her hair out of Amelia's eyes. "You didn't deserve any of this." She said before getting up and walking out. With tears in her eyes she locked the door again and went back to bed crying. She laid down cuddled into Travis trying not to wake him and fell back asleep.

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