Chapter 34

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The first light of Christmas morning began to seep through the curtains of the guest room Amelia was staying in. The soft glow illuminated her room, filling it with a gentle warmth. She stirred slightly as she felt the tiny, excited fingers of Wyatt and Ellie shaking her awake.

"Amelia, wake up! It's Christmas!" Wyatt's voice was filled with the kind of enthusiasm only a four-year-old could muster at 5 a.m.

Ellie, not to be outdone, joined in. "Come on, Amelia! We have to open presents!"

Amelia blinked sleepily and sat up, trying to shake off the grogginess. She had barely processed the excitement of the early hour when the girls practically pulled her out of bed. As she got dressed in the dim light of the early morning, her mind was occupied with a twinge of anxiety. She knew she hadn't brought any presents with her and hoped the other kids wouldn't notice.

The girls led her out of the room, practically bouncing with excitement. They tiptoed down the hallway, trying not to wake the adults. When they reached the stairs, they giggled quietly, their faces flushed with excitement. As they made their way down to the living room, Taylor and Travis were already up, having been woken by the clamor of the kids.

"Good morning, everyone!" Taylor greeted with a warm smile, though she could see the fatigue in her eyes. "Merry Christmas!"

"Morning!" Travis said, joining in the cheer. He was a bit more awake, having had a little more time to adjust to the early wake-up call.

The kids scrambled to the tree, where the presents were stacked. Amelia watched nervously as the children excitedly started unwrapping gifts. She felt a pang of sadness as she saw how the others had their own presents, and she worried about how she would fit in without anything to open herself.

Taylor noticed Amelia's discomfort and came over to her with a gentle smile. "Hey, Amelia. I've got something for you."

Amelia looked up, her eyes widening with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. "You do?"

Taylor nodded, reaching behind the tree and pulling out a small, neatly wrapped package. She handed it to Amelia, her expression full of encouragement. "I thought you might like this."

Amelia took the gift hesitantly, her hands trembling slightly as she began to unwrap it. As the wrapping paper fell away, her eyes fell upon a framed photograph. It was a picture of her with her mother, Charlotte, from a Christmas years ago. They were both smiling, surrounded by the festive cheer of the season. Amelia's breath caught in her throat as tears began to well up in her eyes.

"Taylor..." Amelia's voice was barely a whisper, choked with emotion. "I don't know what to say."

Taylor put a comforting hand on Amelia's shoulder. "I thought this might help remind you of the special times you've had with your mom. You're not alone, Amelia."

Amelia's tears began to fall freely as she clutched the photograph to her chest. She nodded, overwhelmed by the kindness and thoughtfulness of the gift. "Thank you. It means a lot to me."

Travis, noticing the emotional exchange, came over and wrapped Amelia in a gentle hug. "Merry Christmas, Amelia. We're glad you're here with us."

Amelia wiped her tears and managed a small smile through her emotional haze. "Merry Christmas."

The morning continued with a more subdued but deeply meaningful atmosphere as Amelia settled into the warmth of her new family. As the day unfolded, the joy of the holiday was underscored by the quiet comfort of shared memories and the support of those who cared deeply for her.

The Christmas Eve snow had settled into a blanket of white outside, adding to the serene and peaceful ambiance inside. Amelia felt a renewed sense of belonging, even as she cherished the memory of her past Christmases with her mother. It was a day of bittersweet moments and heartfelt connections, marking a new chapter in Amelia's life as she found solace and love in unexpected places.

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