Chapter 41

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It was around 11:30 PM when the house had finally settled into a quiet stillness. The four girls—Wyatt, Ellie, Bennett, and Amelia—were all tucked into their beds, asleep after the emotionally charged evening. Kylie had just finished straightening up the kitchen when her phone buzzed on the counter. The screen lit up with Taylor's name, and Kylie quickly grabbed it, stepping into the living room to avoid waking anyone.

"Hey, Taylor," Kylie answered, keeping her voice low.

"Hey, Kylie," Taylor's voice came through, sounding slightly strained. "I just landed in Tokyo and saw that I had a missed call from Amelia. I tried calling her back, but she didn't pick up. Do you know what's going on? Is she okay?"

Kylie sighed, sinking into the couch. "She's okay now, but it's been a tough night. We were having dinner, and Wyatt asked Amelia why her mom couldn't be here while you and Travis are away. It really upset her, and she ended up leaving the table in tears."

"Oh no," Taylor said, her voice filled with concern. "I wish I could've been there for her. I didn't even realize she was trying to call. We were in the air."

"It's okay, Taylor. She was just feeling really overwhelmed. I talked to her afterward, and I think she's doing better now. I told Wyatt and Ellie to give her some space tonight, but I'm sure they'll apologize properly in the morning."

"Thank you, Kylie," Taylor said, relief evident in her tone. "I hate that she's going through this without me. I should've been more available."

"Don't beat yourself up," Kylie reassured her. "You're doing everything you can. Amelia knows how much you care about her. I think it's just a tough adjustment for her, being away from you and Travis, especially with everything she's been through."

"Yeah," Taylor sighed. "I just wish I could make it easier for her. It's hard being so far away."

"I know," Kylie said gently. "But she's strong, Taylor. You've been there for her through so much already, and that won't change just because you're not physically with her right now. I'll keep an eye on her, and I'll make sure she knows she's loved and supported."

"Thank you, Kylie," Taylor said again, her gratitude clear. "I really appreciate it. Please let her know that I called and that I'm thinking about her."

"Of course, I will," Kylie promised. "Try to get some rest, okay? You've got a big show ahead."

"I'll try," Taylor said, though the worry in her voice made it clear that her mind was still on Amelia. "Goodnight, Kylie."

"Goodnight, Taylor."

As Kylie ended the call, she leaned back on the couch, her thoughts lingering on Amelia. She wished she could do more to ease the young girl's pain, but she knew that all she could do was be there for her, to offer comfort and understanding as Amelia navigated these difficult emotions. Kylie hoped that the morning would bring a sense of peace and that Amelia would start to feel more at home with them, even if only for a little while.

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