Chapter 67

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The sun was high in the sky as Amelia and James made their way down to the beachfront, the warm sand beneath their feet and the sound of the waves crashing gently against the shore. There was a new sense of excitement in the air, an anticipation that made Amelia's heart race with both nerves and joy.

As they approached the spot where Logan and Owen were waiting, Amelia couldn't help but smile. Logan was standing near the water, his blonde hair catching the sunlight, while Owen was busy building a sandcastle a few feet away. The moment Logan saw her, his face lit up with a grin, and Amelia felt a flutter in her chest.

"Hey!" Logan called out, waving them over.

Amelia didn't hesitate. She ran up to him, and without thinking, wrapped her arms around him in a quick hug. It was a brief, friendly gesture, but it made her feel connected, like she was finally finding her place. Logan seemed pleasantly surprised, hugging her back before pulling away with a smile.

"Glad you made it," he said, his tone warm and genuine. "Hey, James!" he added, waving to her as well.

James waved back, her eyes flicking to Owen, who was now standing up and brushing sand off his hands. "Hi, Owen," she said shyly.

Owen grinned at her. "Wanna help me finish my sandcastle?"

James nodded, clearly eager to join him. As she walked over to Owen, Amelia watched with a smile, happy to see her friend already settling in.

The day unfolded like a perfect dream. They spent hours laughing, playing in the water, and enjoying the simple pleasures of being on the beach. Amelia and Logan took turns splashing each other in the waves, their laughter echoing across the shore. Owen and James were soon building an entire sand kingdom, complete with moats and towers, their hands covered in wet sand as they worked together.

At one point, the four of them lay back on their towels, staring up at the sky and watching the clouds move lazily above them. Amelia felt a sense of peace wash over her, the kind that only came from being surrounded by good company and the beauty of nature.

"This is perfect," she thought to herself, feeling the sun warm her skin and the gentle breeze ruffle her hair.

Every now and then, Amelia made sure to check her phone, sending a quick text to Taylor to let her know everything was going fine. It was important to her that Taylor didn't worry, especially after the tension between them. She knew she had to prove that she could handle herself responsibly.

"Having fun, don't worry. 😊" she texted once, and later, "We're just watching the clouds, all good here."

Taylor's replies were short but reassuring. "Glad to hear it. Be safe. ❤️" and "Keep checking in. Love you."

Amelia felt a small pang of guilt each time she texted, knowing she was trying to balance between being the carefree teenager she wanted to be and the responsible young woman Taylor expected her to be. But every time she looked at James, who was thoroughly enjoying herself with Owen, Amelia knew she was doing the right thing.

As the day stretched on, they alternated between swimming, playing in the sand, and simply relaxing under the sun. Logan was easy to talk to, and Amelia found herself opening up to him about little things—her favorite music, funny stories from school, and even her dreams of what she wanted to do when she was older. Logan listened with genuine interest, sharing his own thoughts and experiences in return.

It wasn't until the sun began to dip toward the horizon that Amelia realized how much time had passed. The sky was painted in hues of orange and pink, the perfect end to a perfect day. Amelia took a deep breath, savoring the moment, before turning to James.

This Is Amelia Trying- A Tayvis StoryWhere stories live. Discover now