Chapter 55

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The private jet touched down smoothly in Los Angeles, but their journey wasn't over yet. After a few brief days in LA to catch their breath, Taylor, Travis, and Amelia were headed to one of Taylor's most cherished places—her seaside home in Rhode Island. Amelia had never been there before, but Taylor had often talked about it, describing the way the house sat perched above the rocky shoreline, with waves crashing below and endless views of the ocean stretching out to the horizon.

Amelia watched out the car window as the Rhode Island landscape came into view, the coastline drawing closer with each passing mile. The excitement that had been simmering beneath her nerves since they left Singapore began to bubble up, mixing with a sense of calm she hadn't felt in weeks. This wasn't just another stop on the tour—it was a retreat, a chance to breathe and be away from the noise and pressure that had been weighing on her.

When they finally arrived, the house stood tall and welcoming against the backdrop of the ocean. Its white clapboard exterior gleamed in the afternoon sun, and the vast windows seemed to beckon them inside. Taylor had talked about how much she loved spending time here, and now Amelia could see why.

As they stepped out of the car, the salty sea breeze immediately filled the air, carrying with it the scent of the ocean and a hint of pine from the surrounding trees. Amelia closed her eyes for a moment, taking it all in. This place was different—quieter, more peaceful. It felt like a world away from the crowded stadiums and bustling cities they'd been in lately.

Taylor smiled as she watched Amelia's face light up. "What do you think?" she asked, her voice soft and full of warmth.

Amelia turned to her, a small smile tugging at her lips. "It's beautiful. I feel... safe here."

Travis slung an arm around Taylor's shoulders, pulling her close as they stood on the front steps, looking out at the endless ocean. "It's a good place to just be," he said, his voice low and content. "No shows, no crowds. Just us."

Taylor nodded, her eyes never leaving Amelia's face. She could see the tension slowly melting away, the lines of worry easing from her young features. "Let's go inside," Taylor suggested, leading the way. "I'll show you around."

The interior of the house was as welcoming as the exterior, with cozy furniture, soft rugs, and the faint scent of lavender lingering in the air. Large windows framed breathtaking views of the ocean from nearly every room, and Amelia felt herself relax even more as she walked through the house.

When they reached the back deck, Amelia's breath caught in her throat. The view was nothing short of spectacular—the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean stretched out before them, waves crashing against the rocks below. The horizon seemed to go on forever, the water meeting the sky in a perfect, endless line.

"This is my favorite spot," Taylor said, stepping out onto the deck. "Whenever I'm here, I spend hours just watching the waves."

Amelia joined her, leaning against the railing as she gazed out at the water. The sound of the ocean was soothing, a steady rhythm that seemed to match the beating of her heart. She didn't say anything for a while, just letting the peace of the moment wash over her.

Travis came up behind them, resting a hand on each of their shoulders. "How about we stay here for a while?" he suggested. "No rush to go anywhere. Just us and the ocean."

Taylor nodded, her hand finding Amelia's. "I think that sounds perfect."

Amelia squeezed Taylor's hand, her anxiety finally ebbing away. This place, this moment—it was exactly what she needed. For the first time in a long while, she felt truly at home. And as they stood there together, watching the waves roll in, she knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, she could face them. Here, in this quiet corner of the world, she was safe, loved, and ready to heal.

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