Chapter 75

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The vibrant lights of Paris shone in the distance, casting a glow over the stadium as the first night of Taylor's Paris leg of the Eras Tour was about to begin. Amelia sat in her familiar spot in the VIP tent, tucked next to Travis, who was already nursing a beer, his focus more on the game he had pulled up on his phone than the concert. The air buzzed with anticipation as fans filed into their seats, excitement radiating all around. But for Amelia, it felt oddly muted.

She had been here before—many times, in fact—but tonight, everything felt different. The usual sense of excitement and pride she felt watching Taylor perform wasn't there. It was like the magic had faded, and in its place was a hollow emptiness she couldn't shake.

Taylor hadn't checked in with her once since they arrived in Paris, and Travis, though physically next to her, was mentally elsewhere. Amelia had felt disconnected before, but now it felt unbearable. The people who made her feel grounded—Logan, Kylie, James, even little Wyatt, who always brought a smile to her face—were all thousands of miles away, back in the States. And Sabrina, who had once opened for Taylor and made the tour feel more like home, was no longer a part of this leg. There was no one left in Paris that Amelia felt close to.

Her phone buzzed in her lap, and for a moment, she let herself hope it was Logan. But it was just a notification about the concert schedule—another reminder that this was her reality now. She thought about texting Logan, but what would she say? That she missed him? That she felt lost? She didn't want to be a burden, especially knowing he had his own life back home.

The crowd cheered as the lights dimmed, signaling the start of the show. Amelia forced herself to watch as Taylor's silhouette appeared on the stage, the familiar opening chords of "Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince" filling the stadium. Normally, this was the moment she felt proud, a sense of belonging washing over her as Taylor captivated the crowd. But tonight, it was hard to feel connected to any of it.

Travis leaned over, offering her a half-hearted smile before turning his attention back to his phone. Amelia stared at the stage, feeling more alone than she had in a long time. She wanted to be happy, to feel the excitement everyone around her was feeling, but it just wasn't there.

She tried to remind herself of the moments over the past few months that had made her feel alive—the beach days with Logan, the laughter with James and Owen, the warmth of Kylie's embrace. Those memories felt like they belonged to someone else now, like they were part of a life she couldn't access anymore. Here, in Paris, she was just Amelia—the daughter of a superstar, surrounded by thousands of fans, but completely and utterly alone.

Taylor's voice rang out across the stadium, her energy electrifying the crowd, but to Amelia, it felt distant. She glanced over at Travis, who had now fully sunk into his phone, oblivious to the show. Amelia shifted in her seat, the weight of everything pressing down on her. She thought about slipping away, maybe heading back to the hotel early, but she knew that would raise questions she wasn't ready to answer.

Instead, she leaned back, pulling her jacket tighter around her as if it could protect her from the swirling emotions inside her. She stared up at the massive screens, watching Taylor command the stage with ease, wondering if Taylor even noticed her absence. Not physically—she was right here, of course—but emotionally, mentally. It felt like a wall had gone up between them, and no matter how hard Amelia tried to climb it, she couldn't get through.

As the first set ended and the crowd erupted in applause, Amelia allowed herself a small sigh. There were hours left to go, and all she could think about was how badly she wished she could fast-forward through the night. To be anywhere else—preferably somewhere she could feel like herself again.

Her phone buzzed again, and this time she allowed herself to hope. She unlocked it, and sure enough, there was a text from Logan: "How's Paris?"

Amelia's heart clenched. She wanted to tell him the truth—that it wasn't what she'd expected, that she felt more disconnected than ever—but instead, she typed: "It's good, just watching the show. Miss you though."

She stared at the screen for a moment before hitting send. It felt dishonest, but she didn't know how to say what she was really feeling. Not to him, not to Taylor, not even to herself.

As Taylor launched into another song, Amelia couldn't help but wonder how long she could keep this up. She wasn't sure she had the strength to endure another tour leg feeling this way—disconnected, unseen, lost in a world that wasn't really hers. But for now, she had no choice.

So she sat there, watching the show unfold, pretending that everything was fine. But deep down, Amelia knew she couldn't keep pretending forever.

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