Chapter 15

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Taylor ended up spending the night with Amelia. Part of her was scared Amelia would start to freak out again and the other part of her was mad at Travis for not telling her about what happened earlier that night. Soon enough Taylor woke up, Amelia was still fast asleep, she laid down stroking her hair back, making a promise to herself to always be there for her no matter what. It was around 8:30 when she finally woke. "How did you sleep?" Taylor asked. "A little better knowing I wasn't alone." She smiled at Taylor. "I don't wanna push you, but do you wanna go downstairs and try to eat. It doesn't have to be alot, I promise just something to start the day." Amelia nodded anxiously, Taylor read the expression on her face. "I promise, i will stay the whole time, helping you through it." She grabbed her hand for support. Amelia agreed and they made their way downstairs.

Travis, James and Inez were already up sitting on the sofa watching tv. "Good morning girls." Travis smiled "Good morning, have you guys ate?" Taylor smiled and gave Travis a kiss. "Yeah we've been up for a few hours." Travis smiled as Taylor led Amelia into the kitchen.

"Just take it slow okay." Taylot said placing food infront of her. Amelia ate very slowly as Taylor ast right next to her for support. after finishing Taylor went and sat down next to Travis. Amelia was hestiant towards settling on the sofa. Travis noticed, "are you okay Meals?" He asked offering support. :I think I might go lay down im not feeling well." She said swaying to the side. Taylor quickly went to support her. "Let's go back up to bed." Taylor said leading her up the stairs.

Taylor laid Amelia in bed. "Try and get some rest, ill come check on you later." Taylor said and walked out.

This Is Amelia Trying- A Tayvis StoryWhere stories live. Discover now