Chapter 12

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Amelia sat down at the park about 5 miles away from Taylor's. She sat in tears as a man in his 40's came up to her. He smiled and sat down next to her. "What's a lovely lady like you doing here?" The man got close, too close for comfort. Amelia moved away. But the old man grabbed her and pulled her back. "HELP" she tried to yell. The old man put his hand over her mouth and went to sit on top of her as he spread his legs.

"GET OFF HER!" She heard a man speak. She was too distracted to realise who it was. The old man got startled, got off Amelia and ran off. Amelia turned to her savoury, when she saw it was Travis, she ran into his arms shaking in tears. "It's alright I've got you. You're alright it's over, I'm not going anywhere." He reassured her as he held her tightly not letting go for even a second. Amelia didn't speak, it was clear to Travis that she was too scared. Not letting go of her Travis picked her bag off the bench and threw it into the back of his car. He placed her slowly and gently into the passenger seat. She wouldn't let go of him, she was terrified. "Hey sweetheart you're okay now I've got you." He said when he realised she started to shake a bit more. "Take a deep breath, I won't let you go." He said as she took a few deep breaths. "That better?" He asked as she slowly let go of him. She nodded slowly. "Trav, where am I gonna go?" "Back to Taylor's." He said firmly. "But she.. she doesn't want me there." she said starting to cry again. "Amelia calm down, it's okay. And I don't care what she said. You're coming back there with me, if she wants to be mad and take her frustration out on someone it can be me, I don't care." Travis said to her trying to keep calm before he continued, "she didn't let you explain what happened with James. So what happened?" "She came in claiming that the room at Taylor's was her room and that I needed to leave, when I told her no I wasn't leaving she slapped me in the face that's why I yelled at her. I was scared the last person to hit me was dad I didn't mean to take it out on her." Amelia said defending herself. Travis nodded, closed Amelia's door, before going to the driver side and driving back to Taylor's.

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