Chapter 76

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The Eiffel Tower glittered in the distance as Amelia stared out of the window of their hotel room, her thoughts miles away. Each night in Paris had felt more isolating than the last, and now, as they packed up to head to Stockholm, that sense of disconnect weighed heavily on her. It was as if the magic of Paris, the city of lights, had dimmed, leaving her in the shadows of her own mind.

The morning sun barely broke through the clouds as they boarded the private jet, the same routine they had followed for months. Taylor was buzzing with excitement, her energy infectious to everyone but Amelia. Travis, ever the supportive boyfriend, was grinning ear to ear as Taylor began talking about how thrilled she was to perform songs from her new album, The Tortured Poets Department, live on stage.

"This album is so personal, so raw," Taylor gushed, her eyes sparkling as she imagined the crowds singing along to her latest lyrics. "I can't wait to share it with the fans in Stockholm. It's like baring my soul on stage."

Travis nodded enthusiastically. "You've outdone yourself, Tay. This tour is going to be legendary, especially with those new songs. The fans are going to lose their minds."

Taylor beamed at the praise, her excitement palpable. She turned to Amelia, her expression expectant. "What do you think, Amelia? You've heard all the songs—how do you think they'll go over with the fans?"

Amelia hesitated, the words catching in her throat. She wanted to feel that same excitement, to share in the moment with Taylor, but all she felt was an overwhelming sense of detachment. The truth was, she hadn't really connected with the new album, not like she had with Taylor's earlier work. It wasn't that the songs weren't good—they were brilliant, as always—but they didn't resonate with her the way they used to.

"They're good," Amelia finally mumbled, staring down at her hands. "I'm sure the fans will love them."

Taylor's smile faltered for a fraction of a second before she forced it back into place. "Just good? Come on, Amelia, you can't tell me you don't feel anything when you hear them. These songs are some of my best work."

Amelia shrugged, not knowing how to explain that it wasn't the songs—it was everything else. "I guess... I'm just tired. It's been a long week."

Taylor exchanged a quick glance with Travis, her enthusiasm dampening. "I get it, touring is exhausting. But you know you can talk to me, right? If something's bothering you?"

Amelia nodded, but the words felt hollow. She knew she could talk to Taylor, but lately, it seemed like every time she tried, the gulf between them only widened. It wasn't that Taylor didn't care—she did, probably more than anyone—but their lives were moving in different directions. Taylor was on top of the world, living out her dreams on stage, while Amelia felt like she was stuck in the background, unsure of her place in all of it.

Travis reached over and squeezed Amelia's shoulder, offering her a reassuring smile. "Hey, if you need some downtime, we can make that happen. Just say the word."

"Thanks," Amelia murmured, appreciating the gesture but knowing it wouldn't change how she felt.

The rest of the flight passed in silence, with Taylor busy reviewing setlists and Travis catching up on emails. Amelia leaned back in her seat, staring out at the clouds as they soared through the sky. She pulled out her phone, tempted to text Logan, but stopped herself. He was busy with his own life, and she didn't want to burden him with her problems, especially when she couldn't even fully explain what was wrong.

The landing in Stockholm was smooth, and as they stepped off the plane, the crisp Scandinavian air greeted them. Taylor's excitement rekindled as they made their way to the hotel, talking nonstop about the show, the fans, and everything she wanted to do while they were in the city.

But Amelia felt like she was on autopilot, her responses automatic and devoid of real emotion. She wanted to be present, to share in the joy and anticipation that Taylor radiated, but it was like there was a wall between her and everything else. The more she tried to break through it, the more isolated she felt.

That night, as Taylor and Travis discussed the upcoming concert over dinner, Amelia found herself zoning out, her thoughts drifting back to Logan, to the simplicity of the days they'd spent on the beach, where everything felt normal for once. She missed that—missed him—and the realization only deepened the ache in her chest.

Taylor noticed her silence and tried to bring her into the conversation, asking about the things they could do in Stockholm, but Amelia's responses were short and unenthusiastic. Eventually, Taylor gave up, turning her attention back to Travis, leaving Amelia to her own thoughts.

As they settled into their rooms for the night, Amelia lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. The excitement that used to come with traveling to new cities, experiencing new cultures, and watching Taylor perform had faded, replaced by a gnawing sense of emptiness. She wasn't sure how much longer she could keep this up, pretending everything was fine when, inside, she felt like she was unraveling.

Her phone buzzed, and she grabbed it, hoping it was Logan. But it was just another notification about the tour schedule. She sighed, setting the phone aside, the weight of everything pressing down on her.

She didn't know what to do or how to fix this growing disconnect, but one thing was clear: something had to change, and soon. Because if it didn't, she wasn't sure how much more she could take.

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