Chapter 36

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The Kelce household was bustling with the sounds of packing and preparing to leave. Christmas decorations still adorned the walls, twinkling lights casting a warm glow over the rooms, but there was a bittersweet feeling in the air as the family prepared to say goodbye to their holiday together. The end of their stay was approaching, and everyone was starting to feel the weight of returning to their normal routines.

Taylor and Amelia were sitting together in the living room, quietly watching as the others moved about, gathering their belongings. Amelia seemed quieter than usual, her eyes distant as she watched the last of the Christmas decorations being carefully put away.

Kylie, noticing the pensive look on Amelia's face, approached Taylor with a gentle suggestion. "Hey, Taylor," she began softly, "I was thinking... maybe you could ask Amelia if there were any special traditions she and her mom used to do around this time of year. Something she might like to do before we leave. It might help her feel more connected, like we really care about what's important to her."

Taylor looked over at Amelia, who was still lost in thought, and nodded. Kylie's suggestion made sense—Amelia had been through so much, and if there was a way to bring her a little comfort, Taylor was more than willing to try.

"Thanks, Kylie. That's a really good idea," Taylor replied, giving her a grateful smile. She then turned her attention back to Amelia, who was absentmindedly tracing patterns on the armrest of the couch.

"Hey, Meals," Taylor said softly, drawing Amelia's attention. "I wanted to ask you something. Is there anything special you and your mom used to do around Christmas? Any traditions you had that you'd like to do before we head back home?"

Amelia looked up at Taylor, surprised by the question. She hadn't expected anyone to ask her about her mom, especially when it came to something as personal as their holiday traditions. For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

Taylor could see the hesitation in her eyes and gently encouraged her. "It's okay if you don't want to, but I thought it might be nice to do something that reminds you of her. Something that would make this Christmas feel a little more like the ones you used to have with her."

Amelia thought for a moment, her mind drifting back to those earlier Christmases with her mom. There was one tradition that stood out—a small, simple thing they used to do together, just the two of them. On the last night of the holiday season, they would sit by the Christmas tree with hot chocolate, watching the lights twinkle in the darkened room, sharing stories, and talking about their favorite memories from the past year.

"There is something," Amelia said quietly, her voice almost a whisper. "My mom and I used to sit by the tree with hot chocolate on the last night before we took everything down. We'd talk about our favorite memories from the year and just... enjoy the lights."

Taylor's heart ached at the thought of little Amelia and her mom sharing those moments together, but she also felt a warmth knowing that Amelia was willing to share that memory with her. "That sounds really special, Amelia. How about we do that tonight? Just you, me, and Travis?"

Amelia gave a small nod, a faint smile tugging at her lips. "Yeah, I'd like that."

Later that evening, after the hustle and bustle of packing had settled down, Taylor, Travis, and Amelia gathered in the living room. The rest of the family had given them some space, understanding how important this moment was for Amelia. Kylie had even gone out of her way to make a batch of hot chocolate, ensuring everything was just right.

They turned off all the lights except for the Christmas tree, the room bathed in the soft glow of the twinkling lights. The three of them sat on the floor, each holding a mug of steaming hot chocolate. Taylor and Travis listened as Amelia shared a few memories of her mom, her voice soft and nostalgic.

As they talked, the room was filled with a quiet, peaceful warmth. The tradition that Amelia had once shared with her mom was now a memory she was beginning to share with her new family. It wasn't the same, and it never could be, but it was a way to keep that connection to her mom alive, even as she moved forward into this new chapter of her life.

When the evening came to an end, and the last of the hot chocolate had been sipped, Taylor hugged Amelia tightly. "Thank you for sharing this with us, Meals. I know your mom would be so proud of how strong you've been."

Amelia didn't say anything, but the look in her eyes said enough. For the first time since they'd arrived, she felt a little less like an outsider and a little more like she belonged. And as they all went to bed that night, Amelia carried with her a piece of her mom's love, woven into a new tradition that she could cherish in the years to come.

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