Chapter 1

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Never Again: Chapter 1

Rose POV:

I wrapped my jacket closer to my chest as I stepped out and into the parking lot of my new school. Of course my parents had to transfer to this branch in the middle of no where. Of course I had to start at a new school in the middle of the year, which was winter. That made it worse, I hate the cold. I shuddered again as I walked away from my car.

The school parking lot was scattered with teenagers as the rushed into the warm school. Stupid fake teenagers. Girls are bitches, maybe with my attitude I won't have many friends. That's fine with me, I have never had many friends.

I made my way into the school after being stared at by the male population of the school. Maybe my appearance put them off. I don't care. I like my leather jacket and combat boots.

I hadn't always dressed like this, with a new school came a new look. I decided that I would become a rebel when my parents told me the devastating news that we were moving.

As I stepped into the guidance office I was greeted by a nice looking middle aged woman.

"Hello, you must be Rose Williams." She greeted me warmly and smiled bright and big.

"Yes I am, hi." I smile back, i wanted to be nice to the woman who was showing me the most kindness I've seen since I've gotten here.

"I've got your class schedule right here," she smiled again and handed me a paper with my classes. "Now your first class is in 15 minutes." She looked at my paper while I stared at her to continue. I'm not good with new people but I'll try and be as friendly as I can possibly be. "You go down the hall and it's the first room on your left, and your locker is on the second floor so I would advise you go there after your first class." She smile again and I thanked her and left.

I took her advice and went straight to class. I was so nervous, I hate when people stare at me. I took a turn into the classroom on the left and was being stared at uncomfortably by the whole class. What kind of class do kids show up 15 minutes early.

"You must be Rose Williams," the balding male said to me. "I'm your teacher, Mr. Carter, welcome to Math class,"

"Glad to be here I guess," I said unsure, my social skills were nonexistent.

He laughed and told me to take a seat anywhere i would like, I saw two open seats in the very back and rushed to take one.

I was zoning out when a commotion brought me out of my trance. The most stunning boy I had ever seen stood before me.

"That's enough Niall," Mr. Carter's happy personality was replaced by a stern looking man, who didn't resemble the man who greeted me 20 minutes ago.

"Oh c'mon, it's not a big deal. It's just a dumb lamp," his accent made me breath hitch as I stared at him. He was stunning, black jeans, tight white shirt. His blonde hair laid against his forehead, and he had the most amazing smile. I could also see many tattoos poking out of his shirt, and some covering his forearms.

"Detention for a week, now take a seat." Mr. Carter demanded.

Niall rolled his eyes and faced the class. I quickly looked down at my notebook, scribbling my name to avoid Niall's eyes. He made me nervous an I don't even know him.

"Rose, pay attention. I know it's your first day, but at least try and look at the board." Mr. Carter must've been still heated from his spat with Niall for him to call me out.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled an avoided eye contact again.

"Hey," someone whispered from beside me. I looked up and realized it was Niall, staring at me intently. "Don't get down on yourself. He's an arse if you push his buttons the wrong way," Niall said in a thick Irish accent. He was truly stunning, his eyes were incredible. They were so blue, like ice.

"Thanks but I'm fine," I said back.

Niall seemed easy to talk to, and before i knew it we were smiling and giggling at the jokes he was making about Mr. Carter.

"ROSE!" Mr. Carter shouted. "Mind telling us what you're talking about with your new friend Niall,"

"I-I," I stuttered, I hated being the center of attention.

"She just said that she likes your baldness even if it makes you look like a complete pedophile," Niall smiled and my mouth dropped to the floor. What the actual fuck?

"Is that so?" Mr. Carter was burning his eyes into mine as the heat rose to my cheeks. Everyone was staring at me, and I mean everyone. I looked at Niall who was smirking like a dumbass. I didn't want to get into trouble on my first day, but maybe this could be my chance to make a name for myself. I quickly composed myself and smiled at my balding teacher.

"Actually, I did. It was right after I agreed with Niall when he said that your belt was looked a bit tight, oh and you fly is unzipped." I heard the laughs from the other students, which egged me on more. I liked when they were laughing with me, not at me. "Don't be too embarrassed. It's not like you have pit stains, oh wait."

"That's enough! You and Niall BOTH have detention for the rest of this week," Mr. Carter roared. My new classmates were all still snickering, I felt kind of bad. But hey, why not.

"How about an extra week for good measure? I mean it can't hurt," a bitch from the front of the room said, she looked prissy and snobby.

"Allison you stay out of this," Mr. Carter screamed and turned his attention to the rest of the class. He was telling them to shut up when Niall regained my attention.

"You're not to bad, I like your style," he was grinning, and his eyes were shining. He was giving me butterflies. My heart was stopping and starting, why did I like him so much. He seemed like nothing but trouble.

"Not too bad yourself champ," I joked, then I was saved by the bell.

"See you in detention babe," Niall smiled again, then left. I quickly followed out the door and to my next class, did he just call me babe?

This would be interesting.

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