2. He Thinks Your Dress Is Too Short

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Calum: You walk down the stairs to meet Calum at the bottom, surprised to see him frowning at you. “You aren’t wearing that,” he says flatly. “What are you talking about?” You ask, confused. “That dress,” he explains, “You aren’t wearing it.” “Calum, don’t be ridiculous,” you laugh, hoping he’s joking. “I’m serious,” Calum adds, “It’s way too short.” He crosses his arms, looking down at your dress in disapproval. “I can wear what I want,” you point out, crossing your arms also. “I’m not taking you out in that,” Calum states, “Every guy will be staring at you.” “So?” You challenge. “So, I don’t want to have to knockout every guy in the club for looking at my girlfriend,” he explains. As dumb as you think Calum is being, you can’t help but laugh at his empty threat. “I will!” Calum insists. “You wouldn’t punch anyone,” you laugh, shaking your head. “Yes I would!” Calum argues. “Okay, sweetie,” you agree, still laughing, “I’ll change.” You start up the stairs, still laughing as you add, “Wouldn’t want you to go all street on them.”

Luke: “Luke, can you zip me up?” You ask, walking over to your boyfriend. He turns away from the mirror to you and his eyes get wide. “Is uh, is that what you’re wearing?” He asks nervously. “That was the plan,” you reply, unsure of why he was asking. “Hm,” he hums, looking you over. “Why?” You ask, growing insecure. “It’s a little - I mean, don’t you think it’s a little short?” He asks, blushing. “Oh, I - I didn’t think so,” you answer, frowning down at yourself. “I think that maybe, because you’re already so attractive, wearing a dress like that would, uh, give guys the wrong idea,” Luke tries to explain. “Oh,” you say, nodding. “Not that you don’t look great, because you do,” he adds, “Personally, I love it, but I think it, uh, encourages bad behavior.” “I got it, Luke,” you mumble, embarrassed. You turn away, going back to change when Luke calls out, “You’re welcome to wear it around the house, though!” You turn back, glaring at him but giggling all the same. “Thanks, Luke,” you laugh.

Michael: You step out of the cab, searching for your boyfriend, Michael, who you were supposed to be meeting. “Y/n!” He calls, waving you over to where he stood outside the club. You hurry toward him, and smile, but he doesn’t smile back. He rushes toward you, putting his arm firmly around you and leading you away from the club. “Michael, what are you doing?” You ask, confused. “Taking you home,” he replies gruffly, “There’s no way I’m letting you into any club wearing that little piece of fabric.” He motions to your dress and you stop. “Are you kidding me?” You ask in shock, “It’s fine!” “It gives guys the wrong idea,” he explains, grabbing your hand and pulling you after him. “You’re being unfair!” You argue, although you walk with him because you don’t want to create a scene. “Trust me, I know what guys think,” he states as you walk. “Fine,” you give in. “Thank you,” Michael sighs, relieved. “I love you, ya know,” He adds, “That’s why I’m like this.” “I know,” you respond, kissing his cheek.

Ashton: “How about this one?” You ask, exiting the dressing room and standing in front of your boyfriend, Ashton. “It’s kinda short,” Ashton responded, scrutinizing your dress. “You’ve said that about every dress I’ve tried on,” you sigh, exasperated. “They’ve all been a little short,” he defends weakly. “They’ve been fine,” you argue, rolling your eyes. “It’s just that I want you to look nice,” he explains, “I don’t want the fans to think you’re, ya know, well, ya know.” He looks down, embarrassed. “What do you want me to wear?” You ask, trying not to sound annoyed. “Try on the red one I picked,” he suggests hopefully. You nod and retreat to the dressing room, returning a few minutes later. “What do you think?” You ask, making Ashton look up from his phone. “It’s perfect,” he says seriously, standing up and kissing you. “You look beautiful.”

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