25. He's Your Ex and You Find Another Guy

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Michael: ”Hey babe!” Your boyfriend Daniel said, kissing your cheek. “Hey Dan.” “So I have a surprise for you.” You glanced at him, smiling. “Ooo really?” He reached into his back pocket, pulling out a pair of tickets. “I noticed those posters in your room, so I got these for us.” You gently took the ticket, reading the band’s name. Your heart dropped when you read the name. It was the band 5 Seconds of Summer; the band that your ex-boyfriend Michael plays guitar in. “Um,” you began. Daniels face dropped, and you instantly felt bad. “I love it!” You tried happily cheering. He bought it, and smiled. “So when is it?” Maybe you could fake sick or something. “Tonight!” “Oh awesome!” You mumbled with fake enthusiasm. This was going to be a long night. When you got to the venue, you were extremely annoyed to find out you had front row seats. Faking a smile, you sat in your seat trying to avoid Michael seeing you. The band came out on stage shortly after, and you slumped in your seat. Luke and Ashton suddenly looked in your direction, pointed, then whispered to Calum. The beginning chords to Beside You started, and you stared as Michael started singing. He looked so sad…it’s not like you were unhappy with Daniel, you really loved him, but Michael was your first true love. Nothing will ever change that. His eyes suddenly met yours. He froze for a second, stumbling with the lyrics. He quickly resumed, taking his eyes off of yours. He sang the rest of the song, but you could tell something was bothering him. “Hey guys, we’re gonna take a quick break we’ll be right back!” Ashton cheerfully said into the mike. Michael quickly ran off of the stage, with Luke, Calum, and Ashton following him with worried faces. What have I done?

Luke: ”Babe! What would you like?” Your boyfriend Derek called to you. “Just a pumpkin cookie please!” You called back. You were at Starbucks, warming up from a chilly October day. Standing by the door, you smiled at Derek as he walked over to you, handing you your cookie. “Thanks.” You mumbled happily, taking a bite out of it. “You’re eating like a bear {y/n}.” Derek commented, smiling fondly at you. You then made a point to munch on the cookie making growly sounds. “Two can play at that game.” He winked at you, and leaned down, taking a huge bit out of your cookie. “Hey!” You cried out, growling again. “You know you love me.” “Well I can’t deny that.” “I love you more than asparagus.” He shouted. “Babe…you hate asparagus.” You laughed, and turned to start walking out the door. Suddenly you bumped into a hard chest. “Oh excuse me-{y/n}?” The persons voice asked, sounding familiar. You looked up and nearly gasped. It was your ex-boyfriend Luke. You two had broken up a month ago, and you had barely spoken to him since. “H-hey Luke.” you mumbled, not looking at him. “How are-” “Well we better get going. nice to see you again.” You quickly said, not wanting to talk to him. Grabbing Derek’s hand, you pulled him to your car. That was close.

Ashton: "Wait right there." Your boyfriend Oliver kissed your cheek and ducked inside the nearest shop, leaving you standing outside, curiosity eating away at what he was doing. Oliver had taken you out shopping for your birthday. Rocking back and forth on your heels on the cobblestone path, you looked around. Scanning through the small crowd, you glanced around, just looking at all the different people. Suddenly, you spotted a familiar face, and before you could look away, he met your eyes. It was your ex-boyfriend Ashton. His eyes widened a little bit when he saw you. Arms were suddenly wrapped around your waist, and you looked up to see Oliver holding a bag. "Hey {y/n}, babe, I got you something!" He exclaimed, kissing you. He handed you the bag, grinning. You opened it to find a small box. When you opened the box, you discovered a beautiful necklace. "Oh my gosh…Oliver…" You threw your arms around him, and kissed him. Remembering Ashton, you looked around Olivers shoulder, but Ashton was nowhere to be found. Before Ash left, you couldn’t help but notice how…sad he looked. "I wonder what was wrong…" You thought to yourself. 

Calum: "Sweetheart, watch the screen!" Your boyfriend of one week, Jake, loudly exclaimed over the roaring of the crowd. You were currently at a baseball game with him. He stood up and cheered when the baseball players came out, but quickly sat down, watching the jumbo tron. All of a sudden, your eyes widened as he stood up, pulling you up with him. The screen read "Happy one week anniversary {Y/n}, I love you." He kissed you, and when you pulled away, you looked across the way, and noticed someone who you thought you would never see again. Your ex boyfriend Calum. Seeing him again…all the butterflies that you didn’t get with Jake fluttered in your stomach. Calum was with Ashton, Luke, and Michael, and he was watching you, a sad look on his face. You still kept in contact with Ashton after you and Calum broke up, so when Ashton saw you he waved and smiled. "Uh, Jake? I’m going to go say hi to my friends…" Jake wasn’t even listening, his focus was on the game. Rolling your eyes, you walked over to where Calum was. Calum turned and jogged away, leaving you, Ashton, Luke, and Michael to stare in confusion after him. "He still loves you." Michael blurted out. Your heart sped up as you stared in the direction that Calum ran off in. You didn’t want to admit it, but you still loved him too. 

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