68. Three Cheers For Five Years

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Three Cheers For Five Years by Mayday Parade (Song Pref)

"I thought I could live in your arms and spend every moment I had with you"

Having Ashton travelling and being away all the time has definitely hurt your guys' relationship more than you'd like it to. You flew up to visit him in LA for awhile before he has to go back on tour. This was supposed to be a happy visit, full of love and making up for all the time he's been away. However, things had taken a turn for the worst. "I just don't know why you're making such a big deal about this y/n. You're acting like I'm not even trying." Ashton says as he paces around the kitchen. His fingers tangle in his hair and he lets out a heavy sigh. "I understand that you're trying but I just don't think that's good enough anymore." You say loudly. Ashton suddenly turns to look at you and slams his fist onto the countertop. "What do you mean that's not good enough?! I still love you as much as I always have but that just isn't 'good enough' for you anymore?!" Ashton yells, causing you to jump back a little, "Do you think that I'm not suffering from this too?!" "Ashton, calm down." You say shakily. He sighs before resting his head in his hands. "I'm sorry." He mumbles out quietly as you make your way beside him. "Listen, it's just that since I'm with you, I want to actually be with you. It's so hard to only see your face over a computer screen. I guess when we got together I still thought we'd somehow be able to spend every moment together." You say carefully. "Well we can't, y/n. Not with me being in the band and you being at home doing your things." Ashton says firmly while raising his eyebrows at you. "See I just don't know if I can keep doing this." You say in a hushed tone. "So you're just giving up on me? On us?!" he yells to you. You try to remain calm and not make him or yourself more upset than you already are. Tears were seconds away from flowing from your eyes but you wanted to stay strong. "If it means that I'll be happy," you say, a tear now falling from your right eye, "then yes." Ashton runs his hand through his hair and calms down a little. He shakes his head and makes eye contact with you, "I thought you were happy." His voice cracked a little at the end, causing more tears to flood from your eyes. "I'm not." You whisper. "So that's it? We're over now?" He asks with sad, glossy eyes. You simply nod and grab your purse and suitcase, still unopened on the table. "Please don't do this y/n." Ashton pleads as he walks towards you. "Goodbye Ashton." You say as you walk out of the door and close it behind you, Ashton slamming his fist against it on the other side. You slowly catch the breath you somehow lost in there and start walking down the road, looking for a cab, not knowing where you are going to go.

" Too late, I'm sure and lonely, another night, another dream wasted on you"

"Calum, please don't go!" You begged and pleaded as he walks away from you, as if he can't hear a word you're saying. You are screaming his name, trying to get him to at least look at you, but he won't. You run as fast as your legs allow you to, but it's still not fast enough. Tears are streaming down your face as you keep running until you suddenly trip. You feel yourself fall as you scream his name one more time. You abruptly awaken and quickly sit up. You study your surroundings rapidly before realizing that you were still just in your room and that it was all a dream. You felt tears on your cheeks as you rested your head in your hands. This was the 4th night this week that you've had the same dream, almost like a replay of last week when Calum broke up with you. You felt so alone and empty. You look over to the right side of the bed that Calum would normally occupy. There was nobody, and it was killing you. You wanted him back so badly that it ate you alive. You kept thinking that sleep could escape the real life nightmare but it never did. Shakily, you grab your phone and start to dial the all too familiar number. It's too late, you know that you're too late to try and get him back but you didn't care. This didn't stop you from pressing 'call' and holding your cell up to your ear. You waited and waited and waited until finally there was a voice on the other end. "Y/n?" "Uh.. Hey Cal." You say a bit awkwardly, knowing that he wasn't expecting a call from you. "Why are you calling? Isn't it late there? Are you okay?" Calum asks worriedly through the phone. "Yeah, sorry it's just that I- I've been having this nightmare a lot lately and I j-just, I don't know why I called y-you-" "Hey, it's okay. Don't cry, everything's gonna be okay." Calum says soothingly, cutting you off from your stumbling of words. "Nothing's alright Calum. Not since you left." You say, feeling vulnerable. You hear Calum sigh through the phone, "Y/n I just can't keep doing this, you know that. It would hurt worse for us to stay together." "I highly doubt that." You say sadly. "I'm really sorry y/n, but I just can't do this to you or myself." He says shakily, "I'm gonna have to go now y/n." You sigh in disbelief then swallow hard, "Bye." You quickly press end before whipping your phone across the room to hit your wall.

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