60. "It's Over"

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Michael: "It's over." You shook your head at him, trying to hold back the tears and remain strong. You weren't going to let him know that it affected you. "But-" "No, what's said is done. I'm done with this, Michael. I'm done with you ditching me, I'm done with your sneaking in late at night, I'm done with everything, and I'm done with you." You took a deep breath and staredt to walk out of his house. You tried to ignore the lump that was in your throat, but it was really hard to do. You opened the door and turned around to see him standing there with a blank expression on his face. He never thought you would be the one to leave, especially right now. "I'll come by later to get my things." You looked into his eyes one last time before walking out of his house and closing the door behind you, leaving all the memories you two shared behind you as well.  

Ashton: "It's over." You wiped the tears that were falling from your eyes as you stood in front of Ashton. He stood there looking at you with no emotion on his face. You weren't sure if this was a good sign or a bad one. "No? It's not. Stop playing around and come inside for some lunch." You shook your head at him and took a deep breath. "I can't do this anymore, Ashton. I hate being apart from you. I can't stand the hate I get. It's getting to be too much for me. I'm sorry, but-" "(Y/N), babe, please don't do this. Not right now, please. We can work this out I promise I will do anything it takes to see you and to stop the hate and-" You put your finger on his lips and he just looked down at you, tears brimming in his eyes. "I love you, never forget that, but I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry." You removed your finger from his lips and leaned in giving him one last kiss before you were gone for good. He grabbed onto you tight and his warm lips moved against yours in desperation. You broke the kiss and stared at him. You didn't want to stay any longer because you knew he was about to cry. You backed up and walked away from his house, trying to hold back the tears.  

Calum: "It's over." You yelled at him. You two had been arguing for the thousandth time this week and you had had enough. "You don't mean that." He laughed right in your face making you even more furious. "You'll be back here by tomorrow telling me you're sorry and that you love me just like every other time." He cocked an eyebrow upward at you causing you to roll your eyes at him. "No, because this time is different. We have been on and off for ages now and I can't do this. I want to be with someone who actually appreciates me and this time I'm not coming back." He stared at you in amusement for a few seconds then realized you weren't kidding. His face dropped and you started to walk away from him and towards the door. You opened the door and held it open for him as he stared at you in shock. "You're not kidding." He said, still in shock that you were actually leaving him for good. "You can't leave me, (Y/N)! I love you, you know that!" He pleaded, his eyebrows twitching slightly as he stared into your eyes. He looked genuinely upset, but you weren't going to fall for his puppy dog eyes, not anymore. "I may know it, but you don't show it, Calum. I just can't do this anymore." He stood there staring at you, refusing to leave your house. "Please, go home." You begged as he continued to stand in your doorway, not moving at all. He took one last look at you and sighed, leaning in and giving you a tender kiss on your cheek. "I'm sorry." He took a deep breath then walked away from your house; for good.  

Luke: "It's over." Luke's face dropped. One second he was smiling and now he was hurt, really, really badly. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have even dated you in the first place. I feel like I just used you as a rebound and-" "You're still not over him?" Luke questioned you as you nodded your head sheepishly. You finally looked up at him and you felt your heart drop. You hurt him really bad. "I thought that maybe if I got with someone else he wouldn't be a problem anymore and I could get over him, but I keep seeing him and he texted me the other day-" "He doesn't love you like I do, (Y/N)!" Luke half-yelled, startling you slightly. "How do you know that? You don't know him." "I know because if he really loved you he wouldn't have let you go. He would have held onto you because you're the most perfect girl to ever walk foot on this earth." You took a deep breath and tried to ignore the giant lump that was in your throat. "Sometimes, you have to leave the one you love-" "That's bullshit and you know it! What was his excuse when he broke up with you? That he wanted to focus on football? Was that it? And now that the seasons over he wants you back, right?" Luke took a step back from you and shook his head at you. You stared at him unable to say any words. "See, you know that I would never leave you like that, ever." "Football is his life, Luke." He shook his head at you and scoffed. "That's the difference between him and I. His life was football, but it should have been you. My life is all about my music and band, but you are also my life. I put you before a lot of things, but Ryan isn't like that. He's an asshole, but whatever, you can go back with him, just don't come crawling back to me when he decides to leave you again." Luke looked at you one last time then stormed off in the other direction.

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