76. Interacting With Your Son

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Ashton: "Levi! Get back here!" You yelled, chasing your oldest son up to his room. "No mom! You won't understand!" He slammed the door in your face. You retreated to your room where Ashton was reading to your other son, Brady. "Ash, can you please go talk to Levi?" Ashton looked up at you and saw the look on your face. "Daddy has to go help your brother. Mommy will read to you though," Ashton said to Brady while he got up and walked out the door. You went and sat next to Brady and picked up the book. He came and sat in your lap. Ashton and Levi walked in just as you finished the book. "Mom?" Levi asked. You looked up. "I'm sorry," he added, looking down at the ground. You carefully placed Brady on the bed and walked over to Levi and hugged him. "It's alright buddy," you said. "And can ya quit growing?" You both laughed as he stood on his tippy toes to make himself just a bit taller than you.

Michael: "Mommy, when's daddy going to be back?" Your son, Oliver, said. "Yea. I miss daddy," Oliver's twin, Oscar, said. "He'll be back soon boys," you reassured them. Just then, a car pulled into the driveway. You heard the car door close and then you heard someone walk up the steps to the front door. "I'm home!" Michael called, walking in. "Daddy!" Oliver and Oscar yelled, running towards him. He came into the kitchen with the both of them over his shoulder. "Did somebody order two boys?" He asked with a smirk on his face. You walked over an kissed him. "Welcome home,babe," you said. "I missed you," he replied. "Daddy, can we play your guitar?" Oliver asked. Michael chuckled. "Sure thing! Lets go set it up." He set the boys down and they were out in a flash. He placed a kiss on your lips before following them.

Calum: You were sitting in the living room, watching you son,Henry, play with his toys. Calum walked into the room. "The boys are calling an emergency practice time," Calum started. "Daddy, can I come and watch?" Henry asked. "Henry, I don't think that-" you started before Calum cut you off. "Of course you can come, little buddy!" Calum picked Henry up and brought him to the car. "(Y/n), you coming?" You smiled and shook your head as you got up and walked out the door. You grabbed the keys to the car on the way out. "These are kind of important if you want to get anywhere," you said, laughing as you threw him the keys. "I can always count on you to make sure everything is in its place," he replied, planting a kiss on your lips.

Luke: Your son, Dylan, and Luke were playing FIFA. Luke was letting Dylan win, but he didn't know. He thought he could finally be able to defeat him. "Look mommy! I won!" Dylan victoriously said. "Good job, Dylan! Even I can't beat him!" You replied. "He's just that good," Luke said, leaning back on the couch. Dylan crawled onto your lap. "Be careful, buddy. Mommy's gonna have another baby soon so don't hurt her," Luke said. "Luke, it's fine. He's not hurting me," you reassured Luke. He smiled and placed Dylan on his lap. Then he started tickling him. "Mommy! Help!" Dylan squealed between laughs. You helped him out by starting to tickle Luke. Dylan helped you. "Not fair! You guys are ganging up on me!" Luke yelled. You both stopped, laughing your butts off.

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