90. He Talks To Your Tombstone

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(His POV)


I slowly step up to the cold stone in the ground. I hesitate before laying y/n's favorite flowers in front of it. It's been a year now, and it still feels like I lost her yesterday. I sniffle and wipe a lingering tear from my eye as I kneel down in front of her. "Hey y/n. I know it's been awhile since I've visited you, and I'm really sorry. I haven't forgotten about you, I never will. I promise. It's just hard to balance our time with the new album coming out and us planning the tour." I heavily exhale, now letting my tears fall freely onto the dirt below me. "I wish you were here to experience this all with me. It gets so hard not having you here to talk to about everything that's happening." I swallow hard. "I love you y/n. I love you so much and nobody will ever replace your place in my heart." I get up slowly and examine the tombstone. "Bye y/n." I say as I begin to walk away, wiping my eyes.


"Hi y/n! How have you been?" Silence. "The band's really been taking off. The fans really like the song you helped write. They want to hear you sing it with us." I say looking straight ahead at y/n. "I can't wait for you to come on stage with me every night. I know you're always there with me." My eyes start to water as I look at y/n's engraved name. "I can't believe it's been 5 months since I've seen you. I miss you so much." I say with a smile, thinking about all of our memories. That smile soon turned into a frown as the tears began to spill out of my eyes. I hold onto the tombstone as I fall to my knees. "Come back god dammit! Come back!" I yell at the stone, getting nothing in response. "You can't just do this to me y/n, you can't!" "Calum, calm down." I hear Luke say as he jogs up to me from the car and puts his hands on my shoulders. "Calm down, it'll be okay." He says trying to soothe me. "NO IT WON'T! IT'S NEVER GOING TO BE OKAY!" I yell at him as my fist slams into the ground. I sit there for a minute before catching my breath a little bit. "I'm sorry y/n, it's just- it's so hard." I say softly to her. "I love you so much,I just can't do this." I say as I get up and run to the car, Luke following behind. "I can't do this."


I shake as I slowly walk up to the tombstone with tears in my eyes. The dirt was still fresh, considering her burial was only a week ago. I sniffle as I reach her. "Happy anniversary y/n!" I say trying to sound happy. I lay a picture of us and flowers in front of her stone and sit down beside her. "I can't believe we've been together for 2 years now. It's crazy how time flies." I say biting my lip. "I hope it's nice where you're at. It's pretty shitty here." I say with a slight chuckle. "It's like a completely different universe without you here." I say, wiping my eye. "I haven't seen your parents since the funeral, but they've called a couple of times. So has your brother, he isn't dealing too well with this, not that any of the rest of us are." I say. I look over to the tombstone and slowly run my fingers over the engravings. "17 is too young y/n, too damn young." I say before my phone starts buzzing. I read the text and sadly get up. "I guess I have to go now. My mom doesn't want me driving home in the storm that's coming." I say looking up to the dark, cloudy sky. "I love you y/n. I'll be back soon." I say slowly leaving the area of which she lays.


"Hi y/n." I say sitting in front of her tombstone. "Wow, I've done this so many times and it still kills me." I say more to myself than to her. "It's so hard to think that I've been living without you for three years now. And I still love you just as much I always have. Everybody keeps telling me that I need to move on and find somebody new, but I just can't yet. I still believe it's you and me 'till the end of time." I say with a smile whilst nudging the tombstone as if it were her. "The tour's been really fun. I know you're watching every night when I perform. And I know it was you who caused me to fall in Atlanta!" I say laughing with a few tears streaming down. "It's good to know that you're still the same girl. I miss being with that girl every day." I say getting a bit more serious. I quickly check the time to see that I need to be at rehearsals in 10 minutes. "Shit, I'm gonna be late. It was good to visit for awhile. I really miss you and love you." I say placing a kiss on her tombstone. "I'll come back soon y/n." I say before getting up and going back to the car, wiping a few stray tears from my eyes.

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