43. He's a Frat Boy

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Michael: You were walking back to your dorm when you were knocked into. You fell over, your books pouring out of your hands. “Hey! Watch where you are going!” You yell to the guy who ran into you. “Sorry.” The guy said. Wait, you recognize that voice. You look up to see none other than Michael Clifford. You didn’t know him personally but everyone on campus knew who he was. Always had big parties, super popular with the girls, never seemed to actually give a damn about university. You know those cliché high school stereotypes such as the bad boy? That’s exactly how he acted, yet he was a frat boy. He just stood there and watched you. “You know a picture would last longer.” You weren’t special. Just the average university girl, and yet… “Well, I’m sorry. I wanted to make sure you were okay. You know I see you around. You are so focused on your studies that you forget this is a time for mistakes and experimenting and being wild. Why don’t you ever just let go?” “I can’t afford to do that.” He just laughed. “Everyone can afford to do that.” He said before taking your books and leading you to a party. What were you getting yourself into?

Ashton: He was the lovable, outgoing guy that chatted with anyone and everyone. He wasn’t the greatest student but he was a great people person and got along with almost all of his professors. You weren’t the shy girl, but you were the normal one. You paid attention to your classes, didn’t really party much, and you weren’t exactly a people person but that’s mostly because you were socially awkward. You however never thought you’d be stuck with Ashton for a study group. Most people would ask you why you weren’t happy about that and that’s because you wanted to do well and Ashton, although a nice guy, never really seemed to pay attention. So when he showed up and you were already studying, you didn’t think he’d mind. “Hey! You started without me.” You looked up. “Yeah, sorry. I need to get all the studying done I can. This is my worst subject and I really don’t want to take the class again.” You look back down at your paper. “Well that’s not very nice. This is a study group and I chose to be in your group because I know how much you dedicate yourself to doing well and I need all the help I can get.” You looked up in shock. “What?” He laughs. “Surprised? Wow, didn’t know I left that little of an impression of you.” You just shook your head. “Sorry.” He smiles at you. “Nah. It’s okay. I totally get it.” You smiled and he scooted closer, it suddenly getting ten times hotter than it was a minute ago.

Luke: It was hard for you to have a solid impression of Luke. You were the average university student who paid for her own tuition and had a working job, never really partied, whereas he was the frat boy who was both really popular and really good at school. He had it all it seemed. You didn’t know if he was getting help from his family or not, but you had to admit, you were jealous. He had time to party, make friends, go places, take breaks, and do really well in his studies. You were exhausted all the time and you had him and a couple of your classes so you were really bugged. He seemed to have it all and for someone who worked her ass off, it seemed like he just breezed right by. One night you were getting back from work and you ran into him. “Oh sorry.” You were so exhausted, the words were barely even heard. “Oh, it’s alright. You look exhausted. Are you okay?” He sounded genuinely concerned and for some reason that made you mad. “I’m fine.” The words slipped past your gritted teeth and you got an annoyed look on your face. “Okay? Sorry for bugging you, then.” You sighed as you saw him look at you before turning away. “No, I’m sorry.” He turned to look at you. “That was uncalled for, just having a rough day and its late and I still need to study.” He nodded. “If you want I can help and you can take breaks and get a bit of rest and I could always make sure to wake you up after a certain amount of time?” You smiled and nodded. “That would be appreciated. Thanks.” He nodded and followed you back to your dorm. Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all.

Calum: He was the soccer-playing frat boy. He was so loud, but not in the obnoxious way. The only thing you found a little obnoxious about him was how much more focused he was about soccer than his actual education. You disagreed with that but you weren’t about to complain to anyone as most people liked him and you were pretty much a nobody, that’s how average you were. You didn’t mind though because you didn’t have time to be popular. You knew exactly where you wanted to head and that required a lot of classes, jobs, and time. You had Calum in one class and the one time you talked to him, you both agreed that you didn’t get along as you both thought the other was being outrageous. However, you sadly got stuck with him when you were on a trip for the college class. You tried to ignore him but he wouldn’t be quiet. “Will you shut up? Not everyone wants to hear the sound of your voice.” He glared at you. “I don’t know why you dislike me. I’ve never done anything rude to you.” You just scoffed. “Please, with your ego, you don’t need to do something rude for me to know that I don’t like you.” He just laughed. “Please don’t say you’re one of those righteous girls who think they’re better than everyone just because of where they want to end up. News flash, everyone’s the same.” You looked at him and sighed, before turning away. “Look, you’re smart, but that doesn’t make you better so please have an attitude check because I actually think you’re secretly a cool person.” You glanced down and thought to yourself,oh please don’t let this end up like one of those sappy romance movies.

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